Deploys additional police forces in Stockholm

Violence has rocked the Swedish capital recently. Last Friday evening, a man was shot and killed in Solna, north of Stockholm. Since Christmas there have been around 20 shootings and explosions in the Stockholm area. On Christmas Day, a known gang criminal was shot dead in Rinkeby. The man was suspected of having participated in the murder of the artist Nils “Einar” Grønberg in October last year. The violence continues The police have arrested a total of 23 people in connection with the wave of violence, the police said on Friday. Then, for the second night in a row, shots had been fired at an apartment in Farsta in the south of Stockholm, on the night of Friday. On the night of Thursday, there were two shootings at apartments in different parts of Stockholm, and on Thursday evening there was an explosion in a stairwell in Årsta. And the violence has continued into the weekend. In addition to the murder in Solna, there have been several shooting incidents. According to Aftonbladet, there was also an explosion outside an apartment block in Skarpnäck, south of Stockholm. The situation has now become so serious that the police in Sweden have declared it a “special incident”. – Explosions and shootings are a way for the gangs to force each other forward, they stay hidden in these conflicts. This is clearly alarming and reckless behavior that affects our citizens, says Hanna Paradis of the Swedish police, who has been given responsibility for leading the special effort. Struggle for power Declaring a “special incident” is done when you need extra police officers with special skills. According to Aftonbladet, 190 police officers from other regions are called in to deal with the wave of violence. This can be done in the event of, for example, terrorist attacks, natural disasters or major accidents. Or in this case: the violence in the Stockholm area. Hanna Paradis in the Swedish police has been given responsibility for the special effort. Photo: JESSICA GOW/TT / AFP – In general, you can say that we have a very high level of conflict between several different criminal networks, some of which are particularly setting the tone now, says Paradis. – This means that we will more clearly lead the organization and manage the business against this area of ​​crime. According to several media outlets, the wave of violence is the result of a power struggle between criminals over the drug market in Sundsvall, but the police do not want to confirm that. – Part of the problem picture consists of drugs, but also about power struggles, violations and personal conflicts. But we cannot go into that further, says regional police chief Mattias Andersson, according to NTB. On Tuesday night, an explosion went off at the entrance to a restaurant in the Södermalm district in Stockholm. Photo: Joakim Reigstad / news
