Deploys a helicopter and dogs to avoid vandalism from Swedish robbers: – Laughable

For a number of years, Swedish robbers have had a tradition of driving together across the border on Easter evening, then using the fortress in Kongsvinger as a meeting point. Someone aims to steal the Norwegian flag from the fortress, and last year they succeeded. That is why the police and the Norwegian Armed Forces are now joining forces to prevent the Swedes from vandalizing Easter. In addition, the Swedish police will deploy both a helicopter and dogs when they have to follow the ragging trucks’ journey towards Kongsvinger. Trond Furuberg has been a robber in Kongsvinger for many years. He describes the measures as ridiculous. – We only need tanks and fighters here. I’ve been going to meets in Sweden for decades – with thousands of cars, and we’ve never experienced anything like this. Now we’re going to prepare roughly as if Putin is coming in here. So it’s laughable. Welcomes the robbers Furuberg thinks it was unnecessary that someone stole the flag from the fortress last year, but thinks it would be wrong to lump all the Swedish robbers under one roof. – One of the cars that came over last year managed to steal this flag. But it is clear that with a little self-righteousness in that group, there would have been no problem. UNNECESSARY: Trond Furuberg thinks it is ridiculous that both a helicopter and dogs are deployed when the Swedes arrive in the country on Easter Eve. Photo: Ann-Kristin Mo / news Furuberg has also never heard or seen anything of vandalism from the Swedes beyond this. He welcomes the robbers on Easter Eve. – We stand with our cars and meet the Swedes on the road. I think it will be good. There may be a box in the way here and there, but we will make sure to pick it up. More guards and continuous monitoring Fortress commander Arnstein Hestnes says that they are taking strict measures on Easter Eve and that the area will be guarded by military police. – Last year they broke into the flag house and stole the flag. This year we have more guards, so that we have continuous monitoring. We close off the inner fortress and have a guard. If people enter the area, it will be considered trespassing. STOLEN: Last year the flag at Kongsvinger fortress was stolen by Swedish robbers. Photo: HELLE THERESE KONGSRUD The fortress commander says that in recent years there has not been particularly much noise with the Swedish raggers. – But there are some individuals who try to get into the fortress to steal the flag. It’s nothing special. The police in Kongsvinger do not want to comment on the case to news, but write in a press release that many visitors are expected to Kongsvinger on Easter evening. “The police will also be present on this day, and ensure that peace and order is maintained in Kongsvinger and the surrounding area,” it says. It was the newspaper Glåmdalen that first mentioned the case. The Swedes get support Deputy Mayor of Kongsvinger Tommy Smedtorp (Sp) thinks the measures from the police and the Armed Forces are too strict. – To be completely honest, I think it seems somewhat excessive. When there is break-in and vandalism, I do not support that, of course. But I think the Easter trip with Swedish raggers is a good tradition. POSITIVE FOR THE NEIGHBORS: Tommy Smedtorp (Sp) is deputy mayor in Kongsvinger. He thinks the year-long Easter tradition of Swedish raggers is pleasant. Photo: Ann-Kristin Mo / news The Swedes also receive support from the population of Kongsvinger. – I think it’s nice that they come. I live here, and have never experienced noise, says Jan Erik Rismoen. – I think that arrangements should be made for the raggers to come here. I can’t see that there will be any problem if they are allowed to be in the place there, says Roar Nybakk. He is supported by Maj Britt Borgenholdt. – It’s nice that there’s a bit of life around here, she says. CREATES LIFE: People news has spoken to in Kongsvinger are largely positive that Swedish robbers will come to town on Easter Eve. Photo: Stein S Eide / news
