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– I have been a little skeptical about the start of the season, I felt it came a little early this year. But this was exactly what I needed, to feel the nerves on the shooting range, says a satisfied Tandrevold to news after the race. The first race of the season offered great challenges for all biathletes. Snowy weather and fresh wind are never optimal when going fast and shooting precisely, and there were few who succeeded in shooting flawlessly. One of those who really felt the tough conditions was the great talent Maren Hjelmeset Kirkeeide. In prone shooting, she had a really tough time and missed four times. – Boom in the receipt. There is a ten centimeter barrier on the left. What is she doing now? I almost believe that the screw is not attached to her stock, that’s how bad the assembly was, said news’s ​​expert Ola Lunde after the last shot in the series. Coach Patrick Oberegger speculates whether nerves may have been involved. – I have to ask the girls. It may have been cold hands. Maren had the same wind on the launch, so she can’t blame that, but maybe there was something in the sights? I have to ask her first, he says. TALENTED: Maren Kirkeeide. Photo: NTB At the same time, a few slices beyond Kirkeeide, German Vanessa Voigt missed just as many times. – It must be demanding out there, commented Synnøve Solemdal for news. That analysis supports Juni Arnekleiv, who missed four times in total. She had hoped that the wind had lied a little against other shooting, but it didn’t work out that way. – The movement I had in the pipe was completely different. It’s no fun, but it was really demanding out there, she says to news. Italian victory Norway’s greatest hope Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold missed once in the first shooting, and just before she entered for the second shooting, some terrible gusts of wind came across the stadium. But Tandrevold kept his composure, focused, and got away with one miss on second shooting as well. It also went quickly on the course for the 27-year-old, who fought for a top position. The pre-favourite Lisa Vittozi from Italy had set the standard in the finish, and it was her that the rest of the field had to measure up against. STAR: Lisa Vittozzi. Photo: NTB Tandrevold continued to eat up seconds vis-à-vis Vittozi in the last round, – It’s a very strong race by Ingrid, it’s very impressive that she beats Vittozi by so much in the track, said Solemdal. Talented Frida Dokken was the only athlete to reach the finish line without a miss. – It is impressive under today’s conditions, summed up Lunde. – Was it just me? says a shocked Dokken to news after the race. – Then it was a good day at work, she grins. One of today’s big favourites, Dorothea Wierer, did not appear at the start of Saturday’s sprint. news is informed that the Italian felt slightly ill and did not want to take any chances. It is not ruled out that Wierer will start for the joint start on Sunday. Before today’s race, all athletes’ skis were tested for fluoride. This season, for the first time, it is forbidden to use fluoride in the preparation of the skis, but today’s inspection went painlessly. No skis were rejected for fluoride.
