Demonstration outside news before the first semi-final of MGP – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

During the first final of the MGP tonight, the Action Group for Palestine demonstrates outside the audience entrance at Marienlyst. – Our demand is that Norway and news work for the exclusion of Israel from Eurovision 2024. During the event, we will show how massive 116 dead journalists are, they write in a press release. The demonstrators demand that Israel be banned from Eurovision 2024. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news They also write that they want to remind news of its responsibility as a public broadcaster, to stand in solidarity with press freedom and the special right journalists have to protection during war. The demonstrators have laid down on the ground, wearing blue vests to symbolize journalists who have been killed in the war. They specify that this will be a silent action. The demonstrators outside news’s ​​audience entrance. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news 82 journalists confirmed killed As of 10 January, the authorities in Gaza report that 116 journalists have been killed since 7 October. There will therefore also be 116 demonstrators outside news tonight. According to the independent organization Committee to protect journalists, 82 journalists and staff have been confirmed killed as of 13 January. Of the journalists killed, 75 are Palestinians, four Israelis and three Lebanese. Entertainment editor Charlo Halvorsen at news writes in a text message to NTB that he understands that the situation in Gaza is shaking many people and provoking reactions. – If someone wishes to demonstrate outside news, it is only part of our freedom of expression, writes Halvorsen. Negatives to participation Even though tonight is the first semi-final of the Melodi Grand Prix, there has been a debate about the music competition ever since it became known that Israel will be allowed to take part in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö together with 36 other countries. These are the participating countries in the Eurovision Song Contest. Photo: Screenshot taken 13/12/23 Due to Israel’s warfare in Gaza, several people are reacting to Israel being allowed to participate in the competition. When it became known on 5 January who was going to participate in the Norwegian MGP, a bunch of protesters turned up outside news in Oslo. Several appeals have also been started, for example in Finland and Iceland. According to a VG survey, 47 percent are positive about boycotting Israel. Community debater, nurse and artist Marthe Valle created a signature campaign which, as of today, has 15,000 signatures. EBU: “Non-political incident” news has previously been in contact with the EBU. Then they wrote that they had agreed “that the Israeli broadcaster meets all the competition rules and can participate in the competition next year”. At the same time, they clarified that the competition is “a non-political event”. On Thursday this week, Israel and Eurovision were the topic of the Debate. Several politicians were asked whether they supported a political and economic boycott of Israel. Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide then replied no. – The situation in the Middle East is serious, but the answer is not a boycott. We work on this every day. The Middle East is on fire and the situation on Vestbreidda is also worrying, he said. The Minister for Foreign Affairs during the Debate on Thursday. Photo: Lars Os
