Democrats are hoping for a candidate other than Biden – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– If President Biden is the nominee against Donald Trump, I will support him as I have done in the past. But I have the courage to ask if he is our best option, says Tamie Wilson. She is running for a seat in Congress for the state of Ohio. UP FOR ELECTION: Tamie Wilson is fighting for a place in Congress for the Democrats, and is afraid that Biden could stand in the way. Photo: – If the Democrats want to win, we have to do better. The situation is too important to do nothing, she says to Fox News. She is afraid that a Republican party led by Donald Trump will lead the country in a more extreme direction. Several shouts of warning She is not alone in expressing concern after Joe Biden’s performance. In the debate against Trump, Biden messed up several times. He seemed stiff in his facial expressions, mixed up numbers and lost the thread in the middle of a sentence. CNN owns the rights to the debate, and does not allow clips from it after 24 hours. But you can see clips from the debate in Dagsrevyen on Friday: DAGSREVYEN 28.6: Crisis atmosphere among the Democrats after the presidential debate – several people think Joe Biden should resign. The president should withdraw from the election campaign for the sake of the country, wrote the New York Times in a leading position. Former Iowa Senator Tom Harkin has sat alongside Biden in the Senate for decades. Now he is asking sitting Democratic senators to work for a new candidate for the presidential election. – All sitting Democratic senators should write to Biden and ask him to release his delegates and step aside so they can choose a new candidate, writes Harkin in a letter to friends that CNN has obtained access to. CRITICAL LETTER: Tom Harkin together with Hillary Clinton in 2015. Photo: JOSHUA LOTT / Reuters Harkin (84) writes according to CNN that there is still time for a change of course and a new Democratic candidate who he believes will “energize the party at all levels and capture the interest of the general public – many of whom want an alternative to Trump.” Continued support from Obama But the critical voices are currently few. None of the leaders in the party have asked for Biden’s resignation. Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and California Governor Gavin Newsom have both said they support Biden. Former President Barack Obama was quick to say that anyone can have a bad day. – Bad debate evenings happen. Trust me, I know that, Obama wrote in a post on X. Although some Democratic voices suggest that Biden should step down, the tone-setting Democrats are keen to highlight that it is a path choice that is far more important than who wins a TV debate. – This presidential election is a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary people all his life and someone who only cares about himself. Yesterday does not change this, Obama wrote. Vice President Kamala Harris says Biden himself has acknowledged that he was not at his best during the debate. But she believes there are more important things at stake during this year’s presidential election, which she refers to as the most important ever. – Firstly, it has never been more important. Secondly, the contrast in this election could not have been greater. And third, we believe in our President Joe Biden, and we believe in what he stands for, Harris told voters in Nevada. According to Variety, several top donors are considering withdrawing, but none have come forward publicly. Refuses to resign After the embarrassing session on Thursday, Biden managed to correct some of the impression when he spoke to his own on Friday. He joked about his own performance, adding that “when you get knocked down, you get back up” – I’m not walking, talking and debating as well as before. But I can do what I can: I can tell the truth. I can tell right from wrong. I know this job! a fitter Biden said to cheers from supporters, who chanted “four new years.” Published 29.06.2024, at 22.53 Updated 29.06.2024, at 23.06
