Demands that the rules be changed after Guri Anne (40) had to pay back disability benefits – news Vestland

Guri Anne Egge (40) has cerebral palsy and has been on disability benefits all her life. In April last year, she was able to start a full-time job. news has previously told that Nav demanded that she repay the disability benefits she received in January, February and March. This means that she owes Nav NOK ​​40,000. – It’s awkward that when I’ve finally got paid work – a little more to mess with – then I have to pay back. It is unfair and very strange, says Egge. Now the opposition in the Storting is reacting strongly to the demand. – Completely pointless Deputy leader Henrik Asheim in the Conservative Party says the rules are pointless, because it should be worthwhile to come out to work. – Then we cannot have such a square set of regulations. That you have to pay back what you got when you were disabled makes no sense, he says. He calls the rules “stiff”. – Then we as politicians must change the regulations. Deputy leader Kirsti Bergstø in SV also believes that the demand for repayment is unreasonable. – When people manage something as wonderful as getting into work, it is important to support others without them having to pay back what they had as a starting point for their livelihood. Deputy head Henrik Asheim calls the demand for repayment of disability benefits meaningless. Several politicians from different parties are behind him and want to change the rules. Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB Nav has explained the rules as follows: Each individual with disability benefits receives a limit on how much they can earn outside of the benefits during a calendar year. If the sum is higher, Nav demands repayment. This applies if the person receiving disability benefits has an additional job, but also for those who stop receiving social security benefits and switch to full-time work. Former disability pensioners must therefore pay back social security to which they were entitled before they started work. Nav can deviate from the rule State Secretary Tomas Norvoll (Ap) in the Ministry of Labor and Inclusion believes that Nav can and must use discretion when disabled people go to work. – Nav has the right to deviate from the rule, and not demand repayment. So you can ask for that, he says. He explains that disabled people on social security are treated differently than unemployed people on unemployment benefit as follows: – Disability benefit is an annual benefit that applies for an entire year, while unemployment benefit is an ongoing benefit, he says. He will not change the regulations. State Secretary Tomas Norvoll (Ap) in the Ministry of Labor and Inclusion believes that Nav can and must use discretion when disabled people go to work. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB – No demand in the post Dagfinn Henrik Olsen (Frp) in the labor and social committee believes that the government must take responsibility for changing the regulations. – The minister must get on the field as quickly as possible and instruct Nav when they do not show this discretion. We can’t go on like this. It is completely unfair. This practice must cease. Deputy leader Sveinung Rotevatn in the Liberal Party also wants more flexible regulations. – It must be possible not to calculate income on an annual basis, but to calculate it on a monthly basis. And that once you’ve settled into work, you’re ready for something new. Then we will not send you any claim in the post afterwards. Sveinung Rotevatn (V) wants more flexible regulations and proposes that Nav calculate income on a monthly basis, not annual income. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB
