Demands seven years in prison after Ronny (43) was found dead in a car park – news Vestland

A father of a small child from Bergen (30) has been charged with serious violence resulting in death, after Ronny Nygård (43) died in a car park at Åsane terminal in June 2019. The man has denied guilt throughout. On the last day of the trial, state prosecutor Rudolf Christoffersen submitted a request for seven years’ imprisonment for the accused father of young children. – An overall assessment of the evidence indicates that the defendant intentionally exposed Nygård to violence and then left him badly injured so that he died as a result of the act of violence, Christoffersen said during his proceedings. These are the most important pieces of evidence. The defendant was caught on a surveillance camera from Åsane terminal, where he got off the same night bus as the deceased at 02.58 on the night of 1 June 2019. The defendant made contact with the deceased before going in the direction of the crime scene, which is in the opposite direction of where both had residences in Åsane. Kripos has retrieved the location log of the defendant’s mobile phone. It should show that he is close to the place where Nygård was found at 03.09 and 03.14 before he moves away from the scene at 03.19. A taxi ride at 03.42, where the taxi picked up a person at Rollandskrysset and almost drove to the defendant’s home. The trip was paid for with the defendant’s bank card. Forensics technicians found blood from the deceased on the jacket and trousers that the defendant is said to have worn that night. Inside one hand of the deceased, DNA from the defendant was found. During the day of 1 June 2019, the defendant visited the websites of Bergens Tidende and Bergensavisen 17 times. It “differs from the usual news sources he uses, which is VG”, according to the state attorney. Nygård’s death was not mentioned in the media until 7 June, when the police issued a press release to get tips on the case. – Can disregard an accident hypothesis Surveillance images show that both men got off the same night bus from central Bergen. They did not know each other from before. After a short time they walked together towards a nearby parking lot. The next day, Nygård was found dead in the car park. It was a woman who found Nygård the following morning. When in questioning with the police she told that she removed some branches that had been wrapped around Nygård’s neck to check if there was a pulse, a murder investigation was opened. In the years since the incident, the case has changed status many times. The police have described it as an accident, a case of murder and now a case of violence. During his proceedings, the public prosecutor pointed out that the police have spent a lot of time testing hypotheses for the defendant’s innocence. For example, whether the death may have been due to an accident or an accident. – I think we can disregard an accident hypothesis, said Christoffersen. According to the prosecution, Nygård was stabbed in the mouth with a stick while he was unconscious. He is also said to have been subjected to pressure to the neck, and died as a result of suffocation. STUCK IN THE MOUTH: The prosecution believes the 30-year-old defendant strangled or strangled Ronny Nygård with a branch around his neck. Nygård is also said to have been stabbed in the mouth with this twig, but only DNA from the deceased was found on it. Photo: The police found DNA evidence In the Hordaland district court, the public prosecutor produced a number of pieces of evidence during his proceedings. Among the evidence were the defendant’s statement, witness evidence, film and photographic evidence and electronic evidence. In addition, Christoffersen pointed out that traces and DNA evidence were found from the defendant, and no one else. Blood from Nygård was found on the defendant’s trousers and jacket. EVIDENCE: Blood from the deceased was found on the defendant’s trousers and jacket. The defendant has previously described that he tried to avoid Nygård. The public prosecutor emphasized that the video surveillance from the bus terminal paints a completely different picture. – What we see on the film stands in stark contrast to what the defendant said in the first two interviews, that it was he who was contacted, and not the other way around. What we see in the film is that the defendant is obviously following Ronny Nygård and making contact with him. The defendant does not remember Christoffersen also emphasized the fact that the defendant claims not to remember anything, and pointed out that the defendant had previously given a number of details about the bus trip to Åsane terminal. – After he becomes familiar with the evidence in the cases, he expresses that he remembers less and less than what he expressed in the first two interrogations, said Christoffersen, and added: – The memory appears very selective, and the court must consider whether he has a motive to deliberately explain himself falsely, or to express that he does not remember. The legal aid attorney filed a claim for restitution in the case. Later today, the 30-year-old’s defender will present his procedure.
