Demands political action after devastating report after Mina and Mille’s deaths – news Østfold – Local news, TV and radio

Østfold Hospital and Indre Østfold municipality receive strong criticism from the State Administrator in Vestland for not having provided Mina and Mille Hjalmarsen (16) with proper health care. The twin sisters were thrown balls in the system, and visited twelve different institutions before they were found dead after escaping from the Fossum collective in January last year. – If there are no changes now, then there is no will in society or those who work with this, says the girls’ mother Kirsti Skogsholm. Now both the twins’ parents and children’s ombudsman Inga Bejer Engh believe that the politicians must get involved. – This calls for political action. We cannot live with the fact that a welfare state such as ours is unable to provide good help to seriously ill children. It is clear that the girls have not received good enough health care, says Engh. Children’s representative Inga Bejer Engh. Photo: Morten Waagø / news – Instead of receiving tailored follow-up when they needed it, a lack of cooperation and continuity in healthcare has contributed to the girls’ challenges growing. Both Sykehuset Østfold and Indre Østfold municipality apologize that they were unable to offer Mina and Mille a good enough offer. – The government has a responsibility The Conservative Party believes it is urgent to improve the interaction between the health and child welfare services. – This once again confirms what we already know. Absence of expertise in substance abuse and mental health in child care can make the difference between life and death, and many children do not get the help they need. A better interaction must be in place and it is urgent, says Tage Pettersen. He is a spokesperson for family politics in the Conservative Party, and receives support from the Progressive Party (Frp). – The system failed for these two young girls. Now the government has a responsibility to ensure that no more young people perish without getting the help they are entitled to, says child and family policy spokeswoman in the FRP Silje Hjemdal. Priority work Health and care minister Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap) says she will now study the report thoroughly. – We must do what we can to prevent this from happening again. Kjerkol says the government prioritizes efforts to help children and young people who struggle with mental disorders and substance abuse. – In our escalation plan for mental health, one of the measures is to test a model for integrated services for children and young people. We are also working to increase the 24-hour capacity in mental health care, ensure more coherent services and better organize the offer both in drug treatment and treatment for eating disorders, says Kjerkol. Taking the findings seriously Minister for Children and Families Kjersti Toppe (Sp) believes the inspection report from the State Administrator is very serious. – Two girls have lost their lives while receiving services from child protection and health services. It is deeply tragic, and the report shows what went wrong. I take what comes to light very seriously, says Minister for Children and Families Kjersti Toppe (Sp) to NTB. She believes that the inspection shows the great risk of leaving child protection alone with the responsibility for children in great need of health care.
