Delays in train traffic due to signal errors at Oslo S – Stor-Oslo

5 March 2024 at 17:08 Delays in train traffic due to signal errors at Oslo S There are delays and cancellations in train traffic on Tuesday afternoon due to signal errors at Oslo S. – There are delays and cancellations due to signal error at Oslo S. We are working to correct the error. For now, we do not know how long this will take, writes Bane Nor in a traffic report at 5.05pm on Tuesday afternoon. At around 17.15, Bane Nor’s press contact, Olav Nordli, states that the trains have started to run normally again. – We are not completely sure that the problem has gone away, but we are crossing our fingers for it. He says that some brake tracks have been removed from the trains, which may have been a cause of the signal error. – If the train brakes hard, there may be some metal tracks in the track which cause trouble for the signaling system, Nordli explains. He adds that the delays have particularly affected trains west from Oslo S. – We are following the situation and crossing our fingers that it is resolved, but we dare not say anything completely one hundred percent yet.
