Defense Forces will buy back parts of the airport in Bodø – news Nordland

The matter in summary Forsvarsbygg wants to buy back the areas and buildings they sold to Bodø municipality. This could give the municipality much-needed money and new jobs. Forsvarsbygg assesses its opportunities in Bodø as part of the preparedness in the Norwegian Armed Forces’ long-term plan. A decision is expected by the end of the year. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – We actually had a meeting with the Chief of Defense this morning at the latest, says the mayor of Bodø, Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen (H) to news. The municipality is in the starting pit for a gigantic urban development project which has been named New city, new airport. This is New city, new airport Photo: Bodø municipality The project has a price tag of up to NOK 7 billion, and is called both “a great opportunity” and “madness”. The state pays a large part, Avinor takes its share of the bill and Bodø municipality has to fork out NOK 1.4 billion in any case. At the same time, the municipality is struggling with its finances, and a place on the reviled Robek list looms in the background. This is how the math looks like for New city, new airport The airport itself: In addition, the state will finance: 500 million for the construction of new roads to the airport 400 million for moving the 330 squadron Source: Bodø municipality’s website and documents from Bodø municipality But now it has come an actor on the field who can make the financial situation around the new city, new airport a little easier for Bodø. The defense wants parts back The starting point for the project started in 2012, when a parliamentary majority decided to close down the military air base in Bodø. The municipality then decided to buy up the 2,900 acres, which is equivalent to around 414 football pitches. The aim is to build a new airport 900 meters west of the current air base, and construction is already underway. The large areas that will remain from the old airport will be used for both housing and commercial buildings. But a lot has happened since the first plans were first launched. Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine has changed the security picture in Europe. Now Forsvarsbygg wants to buy back parts of the old airport, as part of the preparedness in the Defense’s long-term plan, shows a document from the municipal director in Bodø: – The idea is that Bodø will function as a preparedness base that is used in exercises and in the event of a war. There is no question of a permanent air base. But the process around this has just started, says Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen. Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen, mayor of Bodø. Photo: Petter Strøm / news Tor Øverland is district manager for property management in Forsvarsbygg. He does not wish to be interviewed at this time. But he confirms that they are considering their options in Bodø. Last week, the matter was up in the chairmanship of Bodø municipality. They unanimously decided to continue working to allow Forsvarsbygg to take over parts of the area for New city, new airport. The board believes that such a takeover will provide several advantages: Important money in the coffers Mayor Ingebrigtsen says that this is primarily about Bodø municipality wanting to contribute to ensuring the best possible security and preparedness in Norway. – When Russia invaded Ukraine, many people probably got a wake-up call. The world has changed. Bodø is an urban defense city, and has been a defense city since the war. We have a lot of military infrastructure that the Armed Forces need. Then we think it is important that Bodø should stand up, he says. But Ingebrigtsen does not hide the fact that an agreement with Forsvarsbygg can also mean important money in the municipal coffers. And most preferably, they will enter into a long-term lease agreement. – This is a project with a 50-100-year perspective. With a long-term lease, we will ensure a cash flow over time. Forsvarsbygg currently does not wish to answer the question of purchase or lease. Can open up new jobs In addition, this can strengthen Bodø’s opportunities to bring more new jobs to the city. Bodø municipality has a stated goal of strengthening Bodø’s position from a defense perspective. Among other things, the Norwegian Armed Forces’ operational headquarters (FOH) is located just outside Bodø. The municipality wants to strengthen FOH’s role in Norway, the Nordic countries and NATO. For example, by working to ensure that Bodø is preferred when new national functions within security and preparedness are to be distributed. Such a role could mean important jobs for Bodø, says Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen. Mayor Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen is clear that Bodø will make arrangements for the Norwegian Armed Forces. Photo: Petter Strøm / news It was one of the topics discussed during Thursday’s meeting with the Chief of Defense. – We used the opportunity to say that Bodø is of course standing up for the Norwegian Armed Forces. Then we drew attention to a number of opportunities that exist here in the city, says Ingebrigtsen. And in that connection, the chairmanship believes that it is important to make arrangements so that part of the area for New City, New Airport is available to the Armed Forces. – Back where we were during the Cold War Defense analyst Per Erik Solli points out that this turnaround from the Defense comes in the wake of the Government making it clear that they want activity on Andøya, Værnes, Sola and the aforementioned Bodø. – They want it to be possible for allied aircraft squadrons to come here in peacetime to practice, and the four stations to have the capacity to receive allied reinforcements in crisis and war. Per Erik Solli is aware of the trend that began after the Cold War has now reversed. Photo: Benjamin Fredriksen / news After the Cold War, Sweden, Denmark and Norway have reduced the volume of defense and the number of bases available for military purposes, says Solli. – That trend has now reversed and we are back where we were during the Cold War. It is to be expected, and the development we saw after the Cold War has definitely reversed. – Is it a good idea to build down, then build up again? – It is about strategic choices under certain conditions. It is important not to hold back on strategic plans when conditions change. It has happened in Norway and we have to take responsibility, Solli replies and adds: – Unfortunately, not all decisions are timely, but it is easy to have hindsight. When asked why Bodø, which was once de-prioritised, can now be prioritized again, Solli replies that Norway needs capacity in northern Norway. – There are very few airports to use in Northern Norway. Bodø is one of them, so we have to look at how much can be reused to receive allied aircraft. But what will such a takeover mean for the New City, New Airport project itself? Changes very little The visions for the new district are big. The plan is to build several thousand new homes and commercial buildings in a completely new and environmentally friendly smart city where the old airport was located. Tor Øverland in Forsvarsbygg writes to news that it is too early to say anything about which areas and buildings Forsvarsbygg envisages taking into use. Mayor Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen cannot give so many details either: – It is a very preliminary process, so it will be difficult to go into detail about it. The areas that the Armed Forces primarily need are where there is a lot of military infrastructure, he says. Today’s airport, for example, consists of several shelters for fighter planes that may be suitable for use again. F-16 had a home in Bodø for a long time, now it may be appropriate to use the shelters again. Photo: Sondre Skjelvik / news But Ingebrigtsen feels confident that they do not need to scale back the plans. – The way we see it, it is entirely possible to combine it with the urban development project we are about to start, says Ingebrigtsen. Among other things, the municipality is clear that if Forsvarsbygg is to make arrangements for additional noise shielding, if they are to be allowed to take over parts of the area, – If they are to make use of the fighter jet heroes who are here, it is also important to establish a new taxiway which goes into the new runway to ensure noise protection against the rest of the city, says Ingebrigtsen. In the document from the director of the municipality, it is stated that Forsvarsbygg is working to make a decision by the end of the year. Tor Øverland in Forsvarsbygg does not want to comment on that. Published 12.09.2024, at 13.52 Updated 12.09.2024, at 14.25
