Defender Marius Ihlebæk believes the deprivation of liberty in Tolga was not “rough” – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– He was completely unaware of the violence in Tolga and cannot be held responsible for what happened there. That was not what was agreed. This was said by the defender during his proceedings in the Østre Innlandet district court on Wednesday. Ihlebæk represents an accused man in his 20s who has been portrayed as ordering and planning the abduction in Tolga. The prosecution believes that the person in question must be sentenced to 4 years and six months’ unconditional imprisonment for serious deprivation of liberty and serious drug offences. The man’s two defenders, Marius and Andreas Ihlebæk, believe the correct punishment should be lower and around three years in prison. In addition, they ask that parts of the sentence be made conditional. Marius Ihlebæk said in court that his client cannot be charged because two other men went way over the line and used violence during the incident at Tolga. According to the defender, the aim of the trip to Tolga was to help the victim from other criminals who were going to take him. The background was that the victim allegedly took a bag containing drugs. Ihlebæk admitted in court that his client is guilty of deprivation of liberty, but he argued that it was not a “gross” deprivation of liberty. CLAIMS HE WOULD HELP: Lawyer Marius Ihlebæk is defending the main defendant after the Tolga abduction. According to the defender, the aim of the trip to Tolga was to help the victim from other criminals who were going to take him. Photo: Alexander Nordby / news – We are not faced with an unprovoked act. We are not facing violence over a long period of time or serious violence. We are not facing a defenseless person, said Ihlebæk. He also called the abduction “exceptionally poorly planned and amateurishly executed”. The defender believes that it has not been proven that the victim in the case has suffered significant damage to his body or health. – On the contrary, I would say that he has been treated quite well despite the deprivation of liberty he has been subjected to, said Ihlebæk. The man is also charged with dealing in large quantities of drugs, although no seizure has been made. On his mobile phone, the police found a document with an accounting of drug sales. The man admits part of this turnover, but claims he also kept accounts for others. The man’s defenders believe that the restitution compensation to the victim should possibly only be in the order of NOK 60,000-80,000. The public prosecutor’s office has previously requested that just over NOK 1.9 million of the man’s assets, which are supposed to derive from drug dealing, should be confiscated. This amount, the defenders believe, is set too high. In court, they argued that a more correct amount would possibly be NOK 1.6 million. Attacked at home It was on the night of 2 January 2022 that a 20-year-old man was attacked in his parents’ home in Vingelen in Tolga. The man was shot but not seriously injured during the attack. According to the prosecution, the motive for the abduction was related to a drug environment. The intruders took the man down Østerdalen. He was missing for a day. The now 21-year-old man’s parents are also offended in the criminal case. They were both subjected to violence during the incident. Four men in their 20s and 30s have been charged with aggravated deprivation of liberty. The men plead guilty to varying degrees, or not guilty at all. Claims compensation Legal aid attorney Helge Hartz represents the victim and the parents. He believes that the abduction and violence must result in significant compensation. On behalf of the 21-year-old, he asked the court on Wednesday for compensation in the order of NOK 200,000-250,000. ASSISTANCE LAWYER: Helge Hartz represents the aggrieved man in his 20s and both of his parents. Photo: Line Fosser Vogt / news – He was subjected to violence and serious deprivation of liberty. He was in a constant state of threat. It is also aggravating that he also witnessed the parents being subjected to violence, said the legal aid lawyer. Hartz stated that the 21-year-old has developed post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the incident. He also believes that it was a significant burden to be wanted in the national media with his full name and photo and that this must also have an impact on the compensation. For the parents, he demands reparation compensation in the order of 150,000-200,000 for each of them. – The violations are particularly serious when they happen in the home where one should feel safe, Hartz said. The public prosecutor asked the court to sentence the four defendants to pay the damages jointly and severally. Claims he was supposed to save the life of the victim Defense attorney Lars Mathias Undheim represents one of the two men who were in Tolga and carried out the abduction of the 20-year-old. The man thought he was on a mission to save the victim’s life, claims the defender. The prosecution has explained the incident both to the police and later in court. Among other things, it was he who fired a shot with a revolver that hit the victim. He is also said to have used violence against both the 20-year-old and his parents in the house in Tolga. THREE WEEKS: District court judge Terje Lundby Michaelsen leads the proceedings in the Østre Innlandet district court, which have been going on for three weeks. Four men are charged with aggravated deprivation of liberty. Photo: Alexander Nordby / news – To me, this shot appears more like an accident, Undheim said in court. The defender believes that it has not been documented that the victim has suffered serious physical injuries or that he has post-traumatic stress disorder. He believes the client cannot be sentenced for a serious deprivation of liberty. The prosecution has requested that the man be sentenced to an unconditional prison term of 3 years and two months. The defender believes that it is too strict and points, among other things, to the fact that the defendant has cooperated with the police. The defense attorney believes that the correct level of punishment must be around seven to eight months in prison. Was a driver during the abduction Defense attorney Harald Grape represents the third defendant who was also with Tolga in Østerdalen during the abduction. According to the defender, he was not part of the environment around the other defendants and had been given an assignment as a driver. The defender believes that the media representations of the Tolga case have been very extensive and presented more “powerfully” than what it may appear to those inside the courtroom. Grape asked the court to think about this when sentencing. The prosecution has requested that this man be sentenced to 2 years and eight months in prison. F Defense attorney Harald Grape believes that the prosecution should be exempt from prison terms. Instead, he is asking for one year of community service. The defender believes that previous remand must be considered as a prison sentence already served. Ahead of the trial, the police released several images of weapons they believe are connected to the abduction. Photo: The police The police believe this is the revolver that was used during the abduction. The victim was shot in the buttocks. Two of the four defendants drove a rental car to Tolga to pick up the offended man. On their way down, they took side roads to avoid being stopped. A few miles north of Koppang, they pulled off the road and took a taxi further south. The two defendants who traveled to Tolga are said to have broken into the residential building where the victim was. They are said to have then committed violence against his parents. During the abduction, the perpetrators drove the car into the ditch in Stor-Elvdal. From there they took a taxi with the victim to Elverum and then on to Hamar. The fourth defendant in the case must have been contacted along the way to be a driver on the route from Hamar to Oslo. He is the only one who has completely pleaded not guilty to serious deprivation of liberty. The man’s defender, lawyer Klaus Arne Munkeby Linnaae, said in the procedure that his client was threatened to drive. But according to the lawyer, he did not understand that it was a case of abduction. He believes there is no basis for convicting the man of the abduction and that he must be acquitted. According to the indictment, the aggrieved abduction victim was taken from her parents’ home in Tolga. The public prosecutor believes he was subjected to violence and threats in a car on the way to Oslo before he was released. The abduction victim’s father The man was sleeping when, according to the indictment, two men broke into his house on Tolga. According to the indictment, was exposed to violence and threats, and witnessed her son being abducted. The abduction victim’s mother The woman was sleeping when, according to the indictment, two men broke into her house on Tolga. According to the indictment, was exposed to violence and threats, and witnessed her son being abducted. According to the indictment, the accused SkytterenSkal broke into the house on Tolga together with the “driver”, used violence and threats against all three victims and abducted the 20-year-old man. The defendant is said to have driven the car the three drove from Tolga to Koppang, where they drove off the road. Accused of abduction, violence against all three victims, threats against all three victims. He partially pleads guilty to several of the charges, but does not plead guilty to having a weapon with him or to having threatened the victims. The driver According to the indictment, the man must have broken into the house on Tolga together with the “shooter”, used violence and threats against the three victims, and abducted the 20-year-old. Accused of abduction, violence against all three victims, threats against all three victims. Partially pleads guilty to some of the charges, pleads not guilty to possession of a weapon and violence against the parents. The mastermind The prosecution believes the man was the mastermind behind the abduction. According to the indictment, he was not at Tolga during the incident. Accused of abduction, violence against all three victims, threats against all three victims and drug offences. The man partially pleads guilty to some of the charges, but not to threats. Driver 2 According to the indictment, must have driven the offended man and one of the other indictees from Hamar to Oslo. Indicted for deprivation of liberty
