Defendant (19) surprised by detention notice – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

On Monday, the trial after the much-discussed murder in Porsgrunn starts in the Telemark district court. Oliver Ravn Rønning was beaten to death by his spouse in an apartment at Hovenga in Porsgrunn on 27 November last year. Outside the windows of the home, the 22-year-old’s mother helplessly witnessed her son being beaten several times. The accused 19-year-old claims she was in danger of death when the murder happened, and that she therefore had to defend herself with a bat. The public prosecutor’s office has announced that they will ask for detention, as they believe the potential for violence is high. – We are surprised by this, says Heidi Ysen. She is the defender for the 19-year-old. Disagreement about violations The murder victim was born a woman, but saw herself as a man. The accused spouse is legally a man but wishes to be referred to as a woman. Central questions in the case will be what happened before the murder, and how the couple actually felt during the four months they knew each other. The prosecution believes adultery may have been the trigger for the murder. Heidi Ysen, defender. Photo: Robert Hansen / news The accused 19-year-old believes for his part that they were still a couple when the incident happened. – We believe there is no reliable information that there was a break-up, says Ysen, who describes the relationship as intense, and at times turbulent. – She is very sorry for what has happened, even though she calls on emergency guardians. This is the Hovenga case: Photo: Stig Bolme / news On the night of 27 November, Oliver Ravn Rønning (22) was beaten to death with a bat by his girlfriend in an apartment at Hovenga in Porsgrunn. Only a few days earlier the couple had rented and moved into the apartment. The murder victim was born a woman, but saw herself as a man. The accused spouse is legally a man but wishes to be referred to as a woman. A now 19-year-old woman has been charged with the murder. She was 18 years old when the incident took place. Rønning’s mother witnessed parts of her son’s murder as she waited outside the couple’s apartment. The two visited the emergency room in Porsgrunn the evening before the murder occurred, in connection with an episode of violence between the two. The defendant then called the police, but they did not intervene. The deceased’s survivors believe the murder could have been prevented if they had come to the scene. The special unit is now investigating whether the police could have acted differently. The trial starts on Monday 17 June. You can read more about developments in the investigation here. Newlyweds The couple had recently married, and moved into an apartment at Hovenga in Porsgrunn a few days before the murder. The accused woman hopes and believes she will be acquitted, the defense says. If she were to be convicted anyway, the client reacts strongly to the prosecution’s request for detention. Ysen believes that the 19-year-old has not had serious problems with violence prior to the murder, and that there are no grounds for detention. – It will be a long prison sentence anyway if she is convicted. The second is that she is still very young. She was only 18 when this happened. – I believe that these conditions are absolutely central in relation to the fact that detention is not relevant. We will of course proceed with this in more detail during the main negotiations, says the defender to news. This is detention Detention can be imposed on dangerous sane offenders when an ordinary time-limited prison sentence is not considered sufficient to protect society. A sentence of detention presupposes that a serious crime has been committed. The offender must have committed or attempted to commit a serious violent crime, sexual crime, deprivation of liberty, arson or other crime that violates the life, health or freedom of others. There must also be an imminent danger that he or she will commit such a serious crime again. Source: The Norwegian Correctional Service Indicted for several acts of violence The prosecution, for its part, believes that the woman must be sentenced to detention. The now 19-year-old woman is charged with several cases of violence against the deceased in addition to the act of murder itself. On 12 October last year, she is said to have sat on top of her boyfriend, strangled him, and pounded his head on the floor. Just over two weeks later, almost exactly the same thing must have happened. Just hours before the murder, the accused woman called the police. Then she and Rønning had visited the emergency room in Porsgrunn due to an incident of violence. The police chose not to intervene, which is now being investigated by the special unit. The bat that was used on the night of the murder must have belonged to both of them. – That is what my client explains, says Ysen. The defendant claims, according to her defender, that she too has been subjected to violence from the deceased in the past. However, she does not want to go into details about this before the trial starts. – This will come out during the main hearing, says Ysen, who believes that the defendant was afraid of the deceased. – Yes. At least in that situation. She was very scared, says the defender. – A big burden Hanne Wold Johansen in Elden Advokatfirma is the assistance lawyer for the survivors in the case. She does not want to comment on the details of the case ahead of the trial next week, but confirms that Rønning’s parents will be present in the courtroom. Hanne Wold Johansen is legal aid for Oliver Ravn Rønning’s survivors. Photo: Christina Cantero / news – For Oliver’s parents, it is important to be present and follow the trial where Oliver’s killer will be held accountable for his actions. The legal aid attorney adds that the execution of the court session will entail a large burden, and that it will be the main focus in the coming days. The prosecution did not want to answer questions from news before the trial. Hello! Do you have input or tips on this issue or other topics we should look into? Do not hesitate to send me a few words. Published 14.06.2024, at 18.26
