Dear tired mom – Expression

It is difficult for me to comprehend how great a burden it is to be in such a situation as you describe in your statement. The worry for you parents – and your child who is having such a hard time that she does not want to live – it is heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing and focusing on an important issue. I agree with you that far too many young people are struggling with mental health problems and that it is urgent. The pandemic has, as you point out, led to an increase in the demand for mental health services for children and young people. I take this very seriously. It is sad that you feel that there is no help available. That’s not how it should be. Therefore, it is important for me to say that the offer and help for the sickest children and young people must be prioritized. In connection with the work on a new escalation plan for mental health, we have conducted input meetings. Several point out the need for BUP to be able to concentrate on those patients who have serious disorders. Then the hospitals need capacity for this. In addition, we must create a better opportunity for those with less serious illnesses to receive help in the municipalities. We want to give a clear signal to the professionals that it is allowed to prioritize those who are seriously ill. We must strengthen mental health care and in addition expand the municipal low-threshold services to ensure good help for everyone – both those who need help in the specialist health service and those who manage with other help. I am glad that the services have strengthened their offer during the pandemic, so that more people have received help. At the same time, the services report an ever-increasing demand. It should not be the case that the help you need is not available because the therapist is on sick leave. The services must have the time and resources to provide the help users need. Both in low-threshold help services and in the specialist health service. You are calling for action now. We want to give a clear signal to the hospitals that the work with eating disorders is a high priority now. Funds have already been invested in the hospitals to facilitate more and better treatment in mental health care, among other things to cope with the increase in referrals. We are now reinforcing this by giving the hospitals the task of further developing and strengthening the services for patients who struggle with eating disorders. Children and young people in Norway should be well. And those who have challenges need to get better. We work to ensure that more people experience good mental health and quality of life, and that those who have mental health problems receive good and accessible help. You write that it is perceived that mental health is not a priority and that somatics takes precedence. I can assure you that I give high priority to mental health. It should be given as high a priority as somatics. Your daughter deserves as much help as man 60 with a heart attack. Social status should not affect the health care you receive. I hope that in the future, both with short-term measures and through major planning work, we will be able to strengthen the offer to your daughter and other children and young people who are in similar situations. They deserve good help so that they can live good lives. And then we must find good measures to prevent and provide early help so that as few as possible end up in the situation you are in. For such a situation is almost unbearable. Follow the debate:
