Dear Mr. Dickpic – Statement

Dear you, who sent me a few messages at quarter to nine on a Saturday morning at Easter. You who had taken pictures of yourself, from the thighs up to the neck, without clothes, one from the front and one from the back. You who asked me to send a nude picture of me to your phone number. I have some mixed feelings about the messages you sent, and some questions I was wondering if you, or other dickpicers, could answer. First of all, I would like to say that I think it is great that you have a positive relationship with your own body, that you are proud of how you look and that you are not embarrassed to show yourself off. I love body positivity and wish everyone was as proud of their body as you are. I also understand that your messages and pictures are probably meant as a compliment. You may have just discovered me, perhaps you find me interesting and want to show me your best sides. I have no problems with nudity either, and I must admit that in my youth I wanted and received the book “Penisatlas” for Christmas from a friend. It’s still different to open a book and be prepared for what you’re going to see, than to open a message and see a penis and butthole staring right at you. It simply became a bit invasive, where I sat with the phone in my hand and sensed peace and no danger. You might also mean it as a compliment when you ask me to send you nude photos. It probably shows that you find me attractive. You’re not the first to compliment me like this – I’ve been asked if I happen to record porn after the chess broadcasts, and for pictures of my feet, preferably the soles, from someone with a foot fetish. Some may think it is an honor that you, and others, want to use me for their own pleasure. That is what I imagine you will use the picture of me for, not to hang on the wall in the living room as a work of art. If I am wrong, I apologize for my bias. You might also want to say that you have been tidier than the others – after all, you have sent me what you yourself asked for. With you, it’s not get, get, get, it’s give and take, which in many cases is polite and fair. Even though your messages and pictures may be well-intentioned, and maybe even to make me feel good, they make me feel bad. I’m afraid that you and other reporters see me as an object for their own pleasure, and that that means you don’t take me seriously or recognize the work I’m trying to do. I also don’t like that I probably get these messages because I’m a woman. I don’t think my male colleagues in the chess broadcasts on TV, Torstein Bae, Ole Rolfsrud, Fin Gnatt and Jon Ludvig Hammer, have received pussy-pics or requests to send nude pictures. And I don’t really like discrimination, even if it’s done in the best sense. And then I get a little worried about my younger colleagues. I have lived a few years, and am not put off by a penis in the inbox. But had I been in my early 20s, I probably would have felt insecure. Was afraid you would come after me. Became anxious to walk home alone at night. So what I’m wondering is: How do you come up with the idea of ​​sending me nude photos? What do you want to achieve? How did you think I would react when I opened them? Did you think that I might find it uncomfortable? And do you respect me and recognize me as a professional person, even if you want to enjoy yourself while seeing me naked? I wish everyone loved their own body and wasn’t afraid to show it off. At the same time, I would like both the person on the nude photos and the person receiving them to consent before the photos are sent. To anyone else who might now have some ideas: Please don’t send me messages you couldn’t send to my male colleagues. I do not share nude photos. And I say no to dickpicks – no matter how proud you are of what you have to show for it.
