Dead woman found in hotel – a man is charged with murder – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– It has been a serious incident. A woman has been confirmed dead and we have arrested a man, says operations manager of the Innlandet police district Atle Bernhoft von Obstfelder to news. At 05:10 on Sunday night, the police announced that the man had been charged, but would not say what he was charged with. Neither the woman nor the man has a local affiliation. There is a relationship between them, and the concrete relationship will be mapped during the investigation, the police write in a press release. – What is happening now is that we are still questioning witnesses who have been at the scene, and we also have security at the hotel, says von Obstfelder. Several seizures have been made and the police say they have control of what they assume is the murder weapon. Crisis team involved in the case Mayor of Nord-Fron, Anne-Marie Olstad (Ap), says that this is a tragic incident. – My thoughts go primarily to relatives and others who were present last night. She says that she was notified of the incident just before midnight. The municipality’s crisis team was immediately involved in the case. Mayor of Nord-Fron, Anne-Marie Olstad. Photo: Private – They were on site last night, and are available to those who need them. They are on their way back up to the hotel this morning. The mayor also spoke to the hotel director today. news has tried to get in touch with the general manager at the hotel, without success. Nord-Fron is located between Otta and Lillehammer in Innlandet. Security at the hotel The accused man was arrested at the same hotel where the woman was found dead. – The arrest took place without drama, task leader Steinar Andersen tells news. He says there was no event at the hotel. Operations leader Steinar Andersen says they have enough forces in place. Photo: Even Lusæter / news The police have started an investigation, and are in an initial phase. They are working to get an overview of what has happened. – It is important for me to say that we have control over the situation. There is no danger to others in the area, says operations manager von Obstfelder. The police have been notified. The hotel where the woman was found is located in a popular cabin and ski area in Nord Fron. Operations leader Steinar Andersen will not say anything about whether the woman was found inside or outside, or about how they were notified. According to news’s ​​reporter at the scene, the road to the hotel is blocked off, and the police are on guard. Kripos has been notified of the case and will come to the scene on Sunday. While the police technicians will work there through the night. The next of kin have not yet been notified. But the police say they have a possible identity of the dead woman, but that it has not been confirmed. The police say to GD that they received a report about the incident at around 9.30pm. GD reports that there has been a police helicopter on the scene. It is not confirmed by the police. According to the newspaper, there is a lot of police at the scene. The police set up a cordon at the hotel. Photo: Even Lusæter / news More murder cases In recent days there have been several murder cases in Norway. On the night of 2 January, Rahavy Varatharajan was found shot dead in a car in Elverum, after she had been reported missing after a visit to the hospital in Elverum. A man was also found badly injured, he later died of his injuries. The man has been charged with the murder, and a restraining order was imposed on the woman. He is said to have broken this restraining order several times, and is said to have put tracking equipment on the woman’s car, among other things. On 2 January, the police find a dead man in a home in Stavern. The police are looking for the man’s partner, but the suspicion against the woman accused of murder is later weakened. The woman has still not been found. The police are investigating whether it could be a case of murder or suicide. They are also investigating whether the woman may have been killed first.
