Dead person found during evacuation of block on Øya in Trondheim – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

It was at 17.42 that the fire alarm was triggered. In connection with the evacuation of the block of flats on Øya in Trondheim, a dead person was found in an apartment in the neighboring entrance, the police say. – These are two different incidents that have nothing to do with each other, says Hans Magnus Dahl. the police chief on the spot. Mogstad says that the person who reported to the police was in the same apartment as the dead person. He has now been questioned and sent home. At 20.05 the police are told that they have finished with investigations at the scene and that the deceased will be autopsied. According to operations manager Roger Mogstad, there is nothing to indicate that anything criminal has happened. The police are working to notify relatives, they write on X/Twitter. The reason why the fire alarm was triggered is supposed to be food, according to the police in Trøndelag
