Dead humpback whale frozen in Mossundet – news Østfold – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: A dead humpback whale is frozen in the ice in Mossessundet, and the municipality must find out how to handle the situation. The plan is to chain the whale to prevent it from drifting away when the ice disappears, and eventually get help from the Coast Guard to tow it out of the Moss Sound. The main concerns are the intense smell that will arise when the whale decomposes, as well as the grease that can enter the water. It is uncertain when the whale can be removed, as this depends on the weather and when the Coast Guard can assist. The whale was discovered by tour guides from DNT and has since attracted many spectators. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – It’s not exactly something we usually do, this here, says Cecilie Kildahl. The head of nature, climate and urban environment in Moss municipality is on an unusual visit to Mosssundet. The strait separates Moss from Jeløya, and is part of the Oslofjord. Cecilie Kildahl is head of nature, climate and urban environment in Moss municipality. She says it is the municipality’s responsibility to find out what should be done with the whale. Photo: Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen / news The belly of a dead humpback whale sticks up from the ice just outside the center of Moss. Whale watching is a new phenomenon in the city of Østfold, but the carcass also presents completely new challenges. – Odor is going to be the big problem. There is also a lot of fat in a whale, and when it breaks down the fat can get into the water. It won’t be so delicate, says Kildahl. Want to chain the whale The whale carcass was discovered at the weekend by tour guides from DNT who were on an ice-skating trip, which Moss Avis first wrote about. Since then, the unusual guest has attracted many spectators. But even now, even with several minus degrees, the smell around the carcass is described as less than pleasant. Moss municipality is responsible for doing something about the problem, and now they are trying to create a plan together with the Archipelago Service. – The most important thing now is that it does not drift away when the ice disappears, says Dag Roar Kure in the Archipelago Service. The humpback whale is found in all the world’s oceans, but is not a particularly common sight in the Oslofjord. Now it must be removed before odors and grease become a problem. Photo: Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen / news – The easiest thing is probably to make a pole with a receiver, knock it into the whale and chain it to land. Then we have control over it until we can remove it, he continues. In the long term, the plan is to get help from the Coast Guard to tow the humpback whale out of the Moss Sound, and possibly also out of the Oslo Fjord. – Nature breaks down the whale itself, but when it has ended up here in the narrow Moss Sound, we probably have to help nature a little, says Cecilie Kildahl. The weather decides As parts of the whale are under the ice, it is difficult to say exactly how long it is. But a fully grown humpback whale can be around 19 meters long. They are found in all the world’s oceans, and are known to be among the mammals that travel the longest. Nevertheless, they are not a common sight in the Oslofjord. Many curious people have taken the trip out onto the ice to look at the unusual guest who has frozen in the ice. Photo: Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen / news – We don’t really know why it’s here. And I don’t know how common it is with whales in the Moss Sound, do I? says Nora Kruse Ludvigsen, one of several curious people who have come to see. She also has her son Ludvig with her. For so long, the whale watching in Moss can continue, at least as long as the ice is thick over the Moss Sound. – When we get it removed depends on the weather and when the Coast Guard can help us, says Kildahl.
