Dayo in Bodø got a job at the last minute – news Nordland

The case summed up: Dayo, an economics student in Bodø, was initially refused an extended student visa from UDI and was in danger of having to leave the country. He eventually got an extended student visa and a permanent job as an auditor at KPMG in Bodø. Lawyer Trygve Tveter believes it was an advantage that Dayo had chosen economics as a degree, as it can be difficult for foreign students to get a job in Norway. Dayo now plans to help other foreign students get a job in Norway. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. news has previously told the story of Dayo in Bodø. Actually, his name is Adedayo Adebiyi. But everyone just calls him Dayo. He had to leave the country if he did not get a job that was relevant to his economics education. It looked bleak for Dayo, because he only had three weeks left. But at the last moment it worked out. When the storm “Ingunn” raged in Nordland, Dayo saw only sunshine. First, the UDI changed its mind and gave him an extended student visa anyway. They had initially refused. The next day, Dayo learned that he had been given a permanent job as an auditor at KPMG in Bodø. – It is a miracle. I am so happy. Lawyer Trygve Tveter believes that it was a great advantage for Dayo which course he had chosen. He says that many people are not aware of how difficult it is to stay in Norway. Applied for 200 jobs Dayo applied for almost 200 jobs in the month between the rejection from UDI, which turned around almost at the same time he got a job. – I was so stressed. I didn’t sleep. I looked for work all the time, and went to bed at two in the morning at the earliest. I was so sorry, because I was sure that I could not give back to Bodø. In the end, he just had to hope that everything would change. When he appealed the decision to UDI, he was sure that the answer would be negative again. – When I found out that I had been granted an extended student visa, I was so happy. – I have started ice bathing, I have been skiing and I have aka. Now I’ve become a bod keeper, says Dayo. Photo: Sofie Olaisen / news In Norway, the rules are that when you finish your education you can have one year to look for a job. But Dayo doesn’t need that. Now he can apply directly for a work visa. – I have already got my dream job. I am so grateful and happy. The UDI answers this: – What is the reason why the decision was overturned? – Dayo had complained about the rejection of the application for a renewed study permit and we overturned the earlier rejection after we learned that UNE has overturned several similar cases. UNE is the appeals body for UDI and we will therefore always assess whether we should change the current practice if UNE does not agree with our interpretation of the regulations. – Can such decisions be overturned even if there is no opening in the regulations? – When we refused the application, we followed a clear and long-standing practice in the UDI. This practice was anchored in law and regulations. UDI believes that both the previous practice and the new, revised practice are in line with current regulations. The reason for this is that we do not have provisions for all situations in the regulations, something that leaves room for interpretation, so that the UDI can establish a prudent practice. – Does this mean that more people can have the decision that they do not have a residence permit reversed? – This is a change in practice that will cover all similar cases from now on. This means that a student who is not delayed in his studies, and who is seeking renewal with the aim of completing full-time education that he has started, can be granted a new permit even if the student does not have to complete 30 credits. – Dayo is of course very happy that the decision was overturned and shortly afterwards also got a permanent job as an auditor in a company in Bodø. What do they think about the end of this story? – Dayo only has a study permit that expires on 29 February, and for the sake of order, we recommend that he apply for a new permit on the basis of the new job offer. Have to think through choice of study Not all foreign students are as lucky as Dayo. Lawyer Trygve Tveter has worked for a long time with immigration law, and says it is difficult for foreign students to get a job in Norway. Lawyer Trygve Tveter believes that foreign students who want to stay in Norway must think through their choice of study. This is because the relevance between work and education has a lot to say about whether you get a residence permit. Photo: Kristine Næss Larsen / news – My experience is that foreign citizens from Asia and Africa have a big problem with getting a job offer, says Tveter and adds: – If a job offer is decisive for a residence permit as a skilled worker, then my advice is not to must be too good at it. Dayo would like to thank Bodø. – They showed me that they want me with them. I got so much help from people who don’t know me. Photo: Sofie Olaisen / news Tveter sees that many of his clients can be naive in their choice of study when it comes to the chance of a job and a residence permit. Especially if they like what he called soft subjects, such as theology. – It is not easy to get a work permit in such professional groups for foreigners, in my experience. It is easier to get a job offer if you know English and Norwegian, and have an education such as a nurse or computer engineer. Willing to help others – We assessed him on exactly the same criteria as we had for the other applicants. Kirsti Meidelsen says so. She is the head of the auditing department of the company KPMG in Bodø. Meidelsen said that she had seen the videos that Dayo posted on social media and the earlier case to news. But Dayo didn’t get the job because of that. He had to go through as tough an application round as the rest of the applicants. Head of audit operations at KPMG in Nordland, Kirsti Meidelsen, says Dayo had to go through a tough application round. Photo: Sofie Olaisen / news – He has many of the qualities we are looking for and represents the values ​​of KPMG in a good way, says Meidelsen. Senior auditor Adrian Hansen was one of those who interviewed Dayo for the job. – He played with open cards and said that he was in a challenging situation, but at the same time that was not the main point of the interview. He managed to bring out the person he is. When Dayo changed work from assistant to accountant, he also had to change his style a bit, he believes. – It is important to dress a bit properly when you are an auditor, he says. Photo: Sofie Retterstøl Olaisen / news Dayo says he now wants to help other foreign students get a job. – I want to use my experience to teach others. Maybe they can learn from what I went through. Because it is important that you start by finding a job that suits you when you come to Norway, concludes Dayo.
