Data cable between Sweden and Estonia also damaged – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Sweden’s Minister of Civil Defence, Carl-Oskar Bohlin, says at a press conference that a data cable between Sweden and Estonia has been damaged. It should still work. Photo: Andre Penner / AP Last week, a gas line and data cable in the Gulf of Finland were damaged. On Tuesday morning, the Finnish authorities believed that the damage to the gas pipeline was “due to external activity”. They would not go into whether they believe any particular country is to blame until they have concrete evidence of it. Now the Swedes are also reporting damage to the cables between Sweden and Estonia. It is not clear what caused the damage, and who may be behind it. The Swedish authorities report that the damage must have been caused to the Swedish cables at the same time as the damage to the gas line and the telecommunications cables between Finland and Estonia. – It is not a complete cable break, but a partial damage, says Bohlin in the press conference. Neither the Finnish nor the Estonian authorities want to place the blame on a specific state. – Will be a high priority Sweden’s Minister of Defense Pål Jonson says that questions related to security will be a high priority in the future. – We are very concerned about security around critical infrastructure, says the Swedish Minister of Defence. Photo: CAROLINE CHIA / Reuters He goes on to say that Säpo, the police, the Swedish Defense Forces and the Coast Guard are in contact with the Estonian counterparts. The Swedish government is said to have offered them their support in the work to find out what happened. – We are very concerned about security around critical infrastructure, says the Swedish Minister of Defence. Many experts point out that Russia may be behind some of the sabotage that has taken place. Russia: – The damage is disturbing Russia last week described the damage to the gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia as disturbing and said that last year’s attack on Nord Stream set a dangerous precedent. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, here with Russian President Vladimir Putin Photo: Alexander Zemlianichenko / Ap He also retracted the attack on the gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2 in the Baltic Sea last September. Photo: AP – We know that a dangerous precedent has already been set for carrying out terrorist attacks against critical infrastructure in the Baltic Sea, I mean the attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines, Peskov said.
