Daniel-André Tande went straight to Nav after the wreck – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– I actually went to Nav’s website and started filling in an application in the car on the way home from the hill, Daniel-André Tande told news the day after he was scrapped for the normal hill race in the WC in Planica. After the training jump that decided the selection, Tande was so pissed off that he said outright that he wanted to quit ski jumping. He wanted to go home from the WC before the championship had even started. Fortunately, he did not complete the application until he arrived at the hotel. – When I got to the room, I was logged out and had to start all over again. So then I gave up. But I was actually at Finn.no and saw what they had to offer. But there was only dirt there, he says. Performed poorly all year The poor training mares on Thursday joined the series of weak performances this year, in stark contrast to the summer rush. BLIDARE: Daniel-André Tande’s smile was back the day after the setback, but he acknowledges that he has a long way to go. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB – I’m so tired of jumping badly on skis. It is rare that I have been so clear outside of a team as I was, Tande explains. – How frustrated were you? – On a scale from one to ten, it was a solid 12 years, he says. Tande really thought that the jumping would loosen up this year. – It’s been a long time. I thought I would be higher on the list every weekend, so it has been a fairly boring season, he says. He emphasizes that he has not given up on the season, but acknowledges that he is struggling to crack the code. – I’m still trying to get good ski jumps, and know that I can win if I get it. But I have to figure out how to make good ski jumps. Right now I don’t feel that I was any closer than I was in January, he says. Want to move The frustration made him think that perhaps he should rather return to the school bench, but then he remembered what he thought of the time last time he was there. So he made a plan. – I think there could be many changes for next season, he says. Tande has no doubt that he must break out of the pattern he has been in for the past few years, and believes that a change of surroundings can help with that. – Should you continue living in Oslo, or should you rather try Lillehammer or Trondheim? I have to try to find a good plan to break up the pattern a bit for next season, says Tande. – Change the environment, simply? – Yes, I think it can be good. MUST FIND AN ANSWER: Daniel-André Tande has not got it right on the ski jumping hill. Photo: KAZUHIRO NOGI / AFP He adds: – It is an idea to break up a pattern that I may have been in, which does not work so well. I love the group I’m a part of in Oslo, and think it’s absolutely lovely, but sometimes you can get too carried away with things, says Tande. National team coach Alexander Stöckl reacts with optimism to the idea. – That sounds very exciting. He has been in the Oslo environment for many years, and sees that things are a bit quiet. There is no progress. He ends up in roughly the same situation every year, and a change of environment can be good, says Stöckl.
