Danger warnings about strong winds and slippery roads – news Nordland

The big dent day of the year is over. But while pre-Christmas stress may no longer be a problem, there are other things that can make it challenging down the road. In Northern Norway, strong winds can cause major challenges in the next few days: – We encourage people to leave the car, if you don’t have to go out, says Håvard Langmo at the Swedish Traffic Center in the North. But it’s not just the northerners who should be careful – now the Meteorological Institute has sent out a number of danger warnings. There may be strong winds and snow drifts in large parts of northern Norway over the next few days. Further south, the mild weather can lead to challenges. Photo: Sigurd Steinum / news Danger warnings in a row The list of current and expected danger warnings at yr.no is long at the time of writing. news counts a total of 89 points before we reach the bottom. Meteorologist on duty Espen Biseth Granan explains that for Northern Norway it is mainly about wind. – We have danger warnings out for strong gusts of wind from Møre and Romsdal tonight and the first half of tomorrow. It will move north over Thursday and Friday, he explains. The wind will come from the southeast and can cause difficult driving conditions and snow drifts. The list of danger warnings is as long as a storm on yr.no. Photo: Screenshot from yr.no / yr.no In Western Norway, driving conditions can also be difficult, but for completely different reasons. – We have issued a danger warning for ice for Western Norway. A little in from the coast, and that applies from last night and a bit into the afternoon on Thursday, says Granan. According to the meteorologist, the ice can occur because precipitation comes as rain, which freezes on the cold ground. Mild weather and rain can lead to icy roads in several places in Norway. Photo: Vichnija – We have the same warning for Agder, Telemark and Vestfold, as well as a bit further up in Eastern Norway. He emphasizes that the times for the notifications vary. Take action if you have to drive Granan adds that heavy snowfall is also expected in the mountains in southern Norway. – This can also lead to difficult driving conditions. This applies in practice throughout Thursday. As of now, no danger warning has been sent out for New Year’s Eve, but there may be. – There are still a few more days and we will make a new assessment tomorrow. Håvard Langmo at the Norwegian Road Traffic Center asks people to be very careful if they have to go out on the roads in the next few days. – It is important that you plan your trip well and have good shoes, he says and lists: Fill the tank and charge the car Bring warm clothes, plenty of food and drink Make sure you have good tires and drive according to the conditions He encourages everyone who has to out on the roads to check traffic information on www.175.no. In conclusion, he adds that they must do their part to ensure that the roads are as safe as possible: – All available plowing crews are out to ensure that the roads are as passable as possible at all times, concludes Langmo. ALSO READ:
