Danger warning galore – now it’s getting wetter in the west – news Vestland

If your rain pants are gone or you have a hole in your boot, you should either run to the store – or just stay inside for the next few days. For now it will be wetter in the west. Very wet. A strong low pressure is building up west of the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean and heading towards Norway and Western Norway. There will also be a lot of water on the vegan side. If you are going out for a drive, you should therefore pay attention to hydroplaning. In Bergen, several people have already had a taste of the rain that is about to fall. But now it will be even worse. From Thursday evening until Friday evening, 60–100 mm of precipitation is forecast. – In some places, even more can be added. It will be very wet, says meteorologist Martin Granerød at the Meteorological Institute. It will be wet in Western Norway. Photo: Sindre Vik Helgheim / news Several danger warnings and storms ahead NVE has today issued a yellow danger warning for floe and landslides for Vestland county and for Langfjella. The notice applies from Thursday afternoon. Some surface water is expected in densely built-up areas, according to meteorologist Granerød. Much of the leaves from the tree land on the ground, which clogs basins and drains. In this way, the water does not run away, which creates blockages in the system. The strong low pressure from the west also gives us a good deal of wind, especially on the coast and in exposed places in the mountains. There can be stiff to strong gales here. Illustration: Meteorologists If you live near Stad, you have to keep your hat extra tight. Here it can be a full storm, says the meteorologist. The coast along Møre and Romsdal and Trøndelag will also notice that there are forces at work. Here, there will be a small south-westerly storm in periods on Thursday evening and night to Friday. Atmospheric river in store The meteorologists are keeping a close eye on the low pressure that is now approaching. – Namely, there is great uncertainty about how things will move, says Granerød. As it looks now, the wind will come from the southwest. It is normal and does not lead to a warning now. Photo: Yr But if the wind changes course, the meteorologists are more alert: – If it comes from the north-west, it’s scarier. Then it comes straight inland and the fjords, and will affect the land area in a different way than if it moves along the coast. Most Westerners are well aware of the weather that is now coming. Granerød says the weather is reminiscent of a so-called atmospheric river. This means a relatively long and narrow zone with water vapor transport, where the water vapor originates in tropical areas. The temperatures over the next few days can creep up to 14-15 degrees. Indian summer in November But even if it’s going to rain for the next few days and the umbrella gets blown around in all the wind – hang on. Saturday will be better. The rain subsides strongly and the good temperatures persist. For example, the people of Bergen can look forward to 15 degrees on Saturday. – It will also be very mild in the Austanfjells for the next few days, says the meteorologist. The heat record for Oslo is 16.1 degrees in November. At the weekend, it could go towards a new record, because the temperature could creep up to 16 degrees then. Several other counties may also break heat records in November. – It reminds a bit of a kind of Indian summer, says Martin Granerød.
