Danger warning for forest fire and torrential rain in Troms – news Troms and Finnmark

The good weather has been touring the country in recent weeks, but this week it looks like the really nice summer days are staying away from Norway. State meteorologist Charalampos Sarchosidis expects a wet week pretty much everywhere. – There is no place in Norway where there is a scorching summer, cloudless skies and high temperatures. It will be a bit unstable for everyone, says Sarchosidis. Heavy rain in the north The humid week starts with full force in the north. On Monday, a yellow warning for torrential rain was issued for large parts of Troms west of Lyngsalpan. The meteorologists expect that there could be more than 20 millimeters of precipitation per hour. The meteorologists expect heavy showers in Troms. Photo: Meteorological Institute It applies from 13 Monday morning. On Tuesday, the danger warning for precipitation continues to Finnmark. – The rest of the week in the north will probably be fine. Not very cool, but also not as hot as the days we’ve seen so far, says Sarchosidis. Worst of all in the west If you have chosen the west country for this year’s Norway holiday, you are out of luck if you go on holiday this week. – It is the western country that will get the worst of everything, says Sarchosidis. It will be a wet week in Western Norway. The showers already started on Sunday. Photo: the meteorologists He points to Bergen, which will get wetter and cooler than normal, with temperatures of around 12 and 14 degrees. – It looks quite wet there this week, says the meteorologist. “Cold” in the south – In Southern and Eastern Norway they get around 20 degrees. They think that is very low, says the meteorologist. There you can expect a cloudy sky, but periods of sunshine. You will also be able to encounter a shower every now and then this week. The same type of weather will also be seen in Trøndelag. On Monday afternoon, the easterners can prepare for a windy afternoon. A yellow danger warning has been sent out for gales outside the coast to the towns in Vestfold and over to Hvaler and the Swedish border. Warning for lightning A yellow warning for lightning has also been issued, which applies to parts of Troms and Finnmark. There is a risk of torrential rain and thunder in Troms and Finnmark in the coming days. Photo: Meteorological Institute The State Meteorologist recommends that people follow the danger warnings that have been sent out. They can change throughout the day. At lyn.met.no you can monitor whether there is lightning near where you are.
