Dairy products in the wind. Now dairy farmers can produce as much milk as they want – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

The matter in summary The overproduction tax for cow’s milk has been set at NOK 0 for 2024, which gives milk producers the opportunity to increase production. There is a great demand for many dairy products, and cottage cheese in particular has become popular. Great growth is reported for lean and protein-rich products. Following the agricultural negotiations, a new price subsidy has been introduced and the target price for milk has increased. This makes it more profitable to produce more. Johnny Ødegård in Norsk melkeråvare estimates that they will receive almost 100 million liters more milk than they did last year. Many farmers solve increased production by waiting to send the cows to slaughter. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – This is a pure pleasure. We make a living from producing the raw material milk, and the fact that we now have such great demand that they need more of the raw material is just fun. That’s what the cheerful farmer Arnstein Røyneberg, who runs a farm on Røyneberg in Sola, says. On 31 May, it was decided that the overproduction fee for cow’s milk will be set at NOK 0 for 2024, so that milk producers will have the opportunity to increase production. This means that Røyneberg can now produce as much milk as he wants. That opportunity should be milked for all it’s worth. – It seems that we can produce between 30,000 and 40,000 liters more milk this year, says the happy farmer. The overproduction fee is usually NOK 4.90 per liter of milk. Farmers must pay this if they produce more than their quota. It is the forage that is the key to increased production, says Røyneberg. The first mowing this year was of good quality, and then more milk will come from these animals. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news Cottage cheese trends on Tiktok There is a very high demand for many dairy products these days, says manager of Norsk Melkeråvare, Johnny Ødegård. – There is great demand pressure, and it is very good news for us who operate dairy and for all milk producers. The fact that dairy products have become so popular is due to many factors, according to him. Head of Norwegian dairy products, Johnny Ødegård. Photo: TINE – We believe people are looking for safe, healthy Norwegian dairy products. Then there are some consumer trends behind this. In addition, we probably have some help from the international situation. Among other things, we notice less imports. But at bottom there are some consumer trends that point in the direction of milk, he says. In 2023, every second Norwegian stated that proteins are something they look for when choosing products, according to Tine. Lately, the product cottage cheese in particular has made a splash in the trend image on Tiktok, where over 93.4 million videos mention the product. Photo: Screenshot / Tiktok In other words, the protein trend will continue at full speed in 2024. The figures from the first four months of the year show a large growth for lean and protein-rich products, according to Tine. Want to make the viral cottage cheese wrap? You need: 1 cup cottage cheese 2 eggs 0.5 teaspoon salt 0.5 teaspoon pepper herbs, chili flakes or other spices How to do it: Put cottage cheese, eggs, salt and pepper in a blender or a food processor. You can also use a stick blender. Process until you have a smooth batter. Put the batter on a baking tray lined with baking paper, and smooth the surface with a spatula. Sprinkle spices or chili flakes on top of the batter. You can also use grated cheese. Bake the wrap in the middle of the oven at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes until it starts to turn golden. Take the cottage cheese wrap out of the oven and cut it in half. Fill with desired filling and fold into a sandwich. Source: Menu It probably also helps that major international stars such as Erling Braut Haaland and Martin Ødegaard express their enthusiasm for dairy products. Earlier this year, Stavanger Aftenblad wrote about local dairies, which are experiencing sales skyrocketing after Haaland’s help. 100 million liters more milk in 2024 Minister of Agriculture and dairy product lover Geir Pollestad (Sp) has not jumped on the cottage cheese trend, but is happy that the demand for dairy products is increasing. – I think it is extremely important for the economy of the farmers. They will now experience that sales are going up again. Agriculture and Food Minister Geir Pollestad in the Center Party. Photo: Lars Tore Endresen / news He hopes we don’t end up in the same situation as last year, with little milk at the end of the year. – That is why we chose the strongest control agent and have said that all dairy farmers can produce more. I believe this should produce the desired results. We have now introduced a new price subsidy and increased the target price for milk, so that it will be more profitable to produce more. In the first quarter of 2024, the Information Office for Milk and Dairy Products sees an increase in sales in all dairy categories. Ødegård in Norsk melkeråvare says that they have calculated a demand of 1,480 million liters of milk in 2024. – We estimate that in total we will receive almost 100 million liters more milk than we did last year. We estimate the additional effect we get from the release to be in the order of 20–30 million litres, he says. In February, three farmers in Suldal had to empty out 7,000 liters of milk when the milk truck did not arrive. See video here. Waiting longer to slaughter Production increases, but that does not necessarily mean that there will be more cows in the barns in the future. – We know that many solve this by producing more by not sending the cows to slaughter, so that the possibility of adjusting more possible production next year is present if necessary, says Pollestad. The new release will lead to a longer lifespan for the cows. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news One of those planning to wait to send the animals to slaughter is the farmer on Røyneberg. – Now we will try to do what we can to produce more and for longer. We will slaughter less, he says. Hello! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue Published 13.06.2024, at 05.39
