Czech tortilla chips are withdrawn – so strong that it is considered a health hazard – Latest news – news

23 February 2024 at 12:43 Czech tortilla chip withdrawn – so strong that it is considered a health hazard The Czech tortilla chip Hot Chip Challenge is withdrawn. The concentration of chili is so high that the product is considered a health hazard, according to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. The tortilla chips, which are covered in chili powder, are sold in a box shaped like a coffin. On it are markings such as “RIP”, “any last words?” and #hotchipchallenge. – The product is part of a chilli challenge in social media. The product has been withdrawn in several European countries, writes the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. The reason relates more specifically to the amount of the substance capsaicin found in chili peppers. What is considered safe is 6,000 milligrams, while this product contains 9,300 milligrams, according to analyses. The product is sold in online shops and kiosks all over the country. Customers who have bought the product can throw them away or return them to the store, the inspectorate says. The Czech manufacturer has also created a new version labeled “new recipe”, where the amount of capsaicin is within a level that is considered safe. (NTB)
