Crown Princess Mette-Marit found the tone with the controversial French author

This week, Crown Princess Mette-Marit’s literature train made its way up Østerdalen. In the same carriage as several Norwegian authors she has handpicked for the book festival on rails, a French guest is sitting and waiting anxiously. – It was both a funny and a strange invitation to get, says Virginie Despentes to news. Crown Princess Mette-Marit in conversation with Virginie Despentes on the literature train. – I really enjoyed it. It was interesting to meet someone who is so interested in reading. We have similar tastes. And I will probably discover several Norwegian authors she has recommended to me, says Despentes about the meeting. Photo: Geir Larsen / news The author refers to his first books as “very violent and sexually explicit.” – So I didn’t expect to be invited here by royalty, no, says Despentes as she studies the birch tree outside the train window. Crown Princess Mette-Marit comes over and hugs Despentes. – Being in Despentes’ books feels like a place where I find something I like, says Crown Princess Mette-Marit to news. VIOLENT: Sex, violence and revenge. “Baise-moi” shocked cinema audiences around the turn of the millennium. The main roles were played by porn actresses, such as Karen Lancaume – here with a gun. Photo: DSK / AFP Censored in her home country In the past, Virginie Despentes made money selling sex and writing porn film reviews, among other things. In 2000, she adapted her own debut novel “Baise-moi” (“Fuck me”) with French porn actresses in the lead roles. – In the early nineties, books and films about men who carry out gross violence were popular. I thought it would be nice to have a story about two girls who traveled around together and killed everyone, says Despentes, laughing. The film was banned in France and the director received massive criticism in his home country. The debut novel and the film were among the works the crown princess and the author discussed at the cultural center Storstuggu in Røros on Wednesday. – When I wrote it, I did not think that I would talk about it with a princess thirty years later, says Despentes. Photo: Geirr Larsen / Geirr Larsen / news Majestic jab at eternally interesting men Almost twenty years after the “Knull meg” film, Despentes had his breakthrough in Norway and many other countries with the novel trilogy Vernon Subutex. “Rarely has the term ‘sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll’ fit better”, news’s ​​book reviewer wrote about the books that also enchanted a Norwegian princess. – It was so wonderful. It wasn’t like reading. But like taking the step into another universe, Crown Princess Mette-Marit says of Vernon Subutex. The Crown Princess also highlights Despentes’ depictions of middle-aged women. – It is important that they are also portrayed. I thought women become more interesting as they get older, says Mette-Marit. The Crown Princess also takes a jab at the older fellow during the conversation. – I found it fascinating about men who think that everything they say is interesting. Even when they get old and grumpy, many people behave as if they have a “free pass”, as if everything they say is interesting, says Crown Princess Mette-Marit, breaking into laughter. – Sorry if I said something I shouldn’t now, she says. Towards the end of the talk, the Crown Princess pulls out a copy of the essay King Kong theory. The book starts with a kind of speech about who Despentes writes for. – Every time I read the beginning of King Kong theory, I cried, says Crown Princess Mette-Marit. Here is an excerpt: Large turnout at Tronsmo bookstore during Despentes’ talk there on Friday. Photo: Hans Ivar Moss Kolseth / news Religious atmosphere After the royal affair in Røros, Despentes traveled to Oslo. On Friday, she met several fans at the Tronsmo bookstore. Despentes is interviewed by his Norwegian salesman and signs books for those present. Then she rolls a cigarette and goes outside to get some fresh air. – I am surprised that so many people turned up, says Despentes to news between puffs of smoke, before she returns to sign several books. Amalie Karvoll photographs her friend Hedda Gray Lægreid together with Virginie Despentes at Tronsmo. Photo: Hans Ivar Moss Kolseth / news Two of the audience members, Hedda Gray Lægreid and Amalie Korsvoll, come to the front of the queue. Lægreid calls Despentes a literary rock star and says that she is a little embarrassed by how “starstruck” she is. To Despentes, Lægreid says that the book King Kong theory is her “bible”. – It answers all my prayers. All the thoughts I have thought, which I may not have dared to say out loud, she elaborates to news. – Her books hit a place where very few reach me. In a way, my belt buckle trembles when I read them, says her friend, Amalie Korsvoll. Amalie Korsvoll shares favorite authors with Crown Princess Mette-Marit. Photo: Hans Ivar Moss Kolseth / news – What did they think of the crown princess also having her as one of her favourites? – It gives me confidence that the Crown Princess will do well in the world, and that she will do well on a premise I trust. So I think that is very, very positive, says Korsvoll. Lægreid first says that she is surprised to share her favorite author with the whole of Norway’s crown princess. – Or not necessarily. I think all women… and men, will benefit greatly from reading this author. There is a light in the lyrics, even if it is also very dark, says Lægreid Published 16.06.2024, at 10.19
