– Crashed right in front of the car – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

On holiday in Trøndelag, Ragnar Henriksen and his wife Mona Ulrich had an experience they will probably never forget. In the sky, they first spotted a small plane flying low over some treetops, but assumed the plane was only going to land at the airport nearby. After driving 500 metres, the plane suddenly came back over the E6, says Henriksen. – The plane started to wobble a bit, it turned and it didn’t look like it had air under its wings. Then it just went straight down. It crashed straight in front of our car, maybe ten meters in front of us, at speed, says Henriksen. It was just before 11 o’clock on Monday morning that the police received a report that the microplane had crash-landed along the E6 in Oppdal. There were two people on board, both died in the accident. When the plane hit the ground in front of them, Henriksen drove the car into a pocket along the road and probably avoided a serious collision. The plane continued into a barn wall. – The wife ran to the plane, which was then on fire. We saw one person, and together with two others we were able to pull him out. DEPRESSED: The couple from Tønsberg are affected by the accident on the E6 in Oppdal. Photo: PRIVAT Thought they saved a life While someone tried to put out the fire in the fuselage and the barn, Henriksen tried to help the man as best he could – until the ambulance arrived. But he died on the way to the hospital, the police said on Monday afternoon. Henriksen experienced that message as the worst part of the whole incident. – I was terribly sad when I heard that. When he was in my lap, I thought, “He’s going to be fine,” he says. – Was it difficult to think clearly in such a situation? – You know what, we talked about that afterwards. You would almost think that we who were there worked in a rescue team together. It went completely on auto. Everyone did what we were supposed to: first save people, then buildings and his wife tried to stop traffic on the E6, he says. Police at the scene of the accident along the E6 in Oppdal. To the left are parts of the plane where it crashed. Photo: Jøte Toftaker / news Reacting to people driving past Henriksen thought a lot this evening about how coincidental it was that he and his wife were not hit. – The margins are small, that is. The person who came behind me thought the plane hit my car. At the same time, they are left with several questions. – We reacted to the fact that many people just drove past. A plane is in the ditch burning and people are driving by? That is absolutely incredible. It was a strange experience to see. Also right after the accident. Published 01.07.2024, at 20.03
