Cousin marriage may be banned this year – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

In the Debate tonight, the topic was honor killings and honor killings. Abida Raja was a guest in the Debate. Just before the broadcast, she learned that her ex-husband had been arrested in Great Britain. Abida Raja told her story in the Debate. Photo: news news Brennpunkt has with the recent series “Ære” put a spotlight on honour-related crime. Among other things, forced marriage. What does Norwegian society do with the brutal honor killing? Ban on cousin marriage Allereie in 2022, the Oslo police said that they see a clear connection between forced marriage and cousin marriage. In Norway, it is legal to marry one’s cousin. That may change. In 2020, the Frp put forward a proposal to ban cousin marriage. This led to the Storting giving the government the task of presenting a bill banning cousin marriage. The consultation deadline expired in the autumn. Today the government had a meeting with the police in Oslo. Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, Emilie Enger Mehl and Ida Melbo Øystese at Mortensrud in connection with the establishment of new police service stations in Oslo. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB – We have said that we need a broader understanding of the challenges linked to the fact that we have children in our country who are married off against their will, says police chief Ida Melbo Øystese. Finance Minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) says that the police have been clear in their feedback that cousin marriage is a real problem. – They are very clear that a ban on cousin marriage will help many of the young women and men they meet in their everyday lives, he says. FRP demands speed Also, Minister of Justice and Emergency Situations Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) believes it will make a big difference if there is a ban on cousin marriage. – We believe that, among other things, it can be a factor in cases involving honor killings and forced marriages, which is something that we do not want to have in Norway, she says. It has almost been four years since the proposal was put forward. The FRP thinks the case has taken too long. FRP leader Sylvi Listhaug wants the ban to come into place quickly. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB – I am calling for the issue of banning cousin marriage to come to the Storting so that we can quickly make a decision and the ban can come into force, says Frp leader Sylvi Listhaug. The government is clear that they will introduce the ban. The goal is for the ban to come this year. – 2024 will be the year when a ban is introduced if the government gets support for it in the Storting, says Vedum. No one has been convicted Politmeister Ida Melbo Øystese says they have supported the ban on cousin marriage. – We see the benefits of a ban on cousin marriage, she says. At the same time, she adds that a ban raises many dilemmas and that it is therefore important to have good political cooperation. Police chief in Oslo police district Ida Melbo Øystese wants a ban on cousin marriage welcome. Photo: Rodrigo Freitas / NTB In 2016, a new penal code was introduced. Nevertheless, no one has been convicted of forced marriage in the last eight years. In the same period, more than a thousand forced marriage cases have come to the aid apparatus. Norwegian police have investigated around 80 cases since 2016. 49 of them were not solved before they were dismissed.
