Convicted Norwegian foreign fighter arrested for death threats against mayor – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– I have had contact with the police and have no reason to doubt their assessment of the seriousness of the case. I also have full confidence that they will give me good advice in the future, says the mayor to Filter Nyheter, who mentioned the case first. On Saturday, the accused man in his 20s was jailed for four weeks, charged with threats to kill, breach of the Arms Act, hate speech and breach of identity, after he was arrested by the police on Thursday last week. – He does not plead guilty. I will review the case together with him at Åna tomorrow, says his defender, Odd Rune Torstrup, to news. news has been in contact with PST. They say this is a matter the police in the South West are handling. The man has previously, among other things, been suspected, indicted and sentenced for, among other things, violence against the police and illegal possession of firearms, according to the imprisonment order. The court believes it is likely that he is now behind death threats against the mayor and deputy mayor of a municipality in the west of Norway. – Even though the violence he was sentenced for is significantly less serious than murder, the court believes that the accused’s attitude towards public authorities and possession of weapons underpins the accused’s potential to put power behind the death threats that he most likely made on Snapchat on 15/12/2022, it says that in the ruling from Sør-Rogaland district court, which NTB and news have read. Participated in the war in Ukraine According to the district court, the man himself has confirmed that he has participated in the hostilities in Ukraine and, among other things, participated in “cleansing” a village of Russians. news mentioned this in November. The Norwegian has for several years expressed that he supports Nazism. Among other things, he has been active in a Norwegian chat group on Telegram where Nazi symbols and sympathies are shared diligently. In the group, the man himself has published pictures of swastikas and Nazi flags. He has also written messages that play on racism against blacks, and published images with anti-Semitic messages linked to Israel and Nazism. – The court assumes that he has committed serious acts of violence down there, and in that connection also refers to pictures of accused and deceased soldiers, the ruling states. – This substantiates that the accused has the capacity to commit serious acts of violence such as e.g. murder, it says. In this photo, which the man himself posted, parts of the man’s name could be seen on the uniform. news has glossed over details in the picture. Convicted in a weapons case The man who enlisted for Ukraine has been very interested in weapons and the Second World War ever since his early youth. On the internet, he has shown how he acquired old military vehicles. In March last year, the Norwegian was also sentenced. The 22-year-old was in illegal possession of weapon parts and stolen weapons. The background to the case was that he was stopped with large quantities of weapon parts on his way into Norway from Germany. The weapon parts were derived from machine guns and submachine guns. Several of the parts could easily be turned into working semi- or fully automatic weapons. This was shown by a review by weapons experts in Kripos. In connection with the investigation, it was also discovered that he illegally stored ammunition at home and at work. The man was then also caught for stealing an anti-aircraft cannon from a museum. He was sentenced to prison for one year and two months in March 2021. In November of the same year, the police charged the man again for violating the Weapons Act. The defense also assisted in connection with the search at his home.
