Continuing with forensic investigations throughout the week – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Forensic investigations are ongoing on a farm in Løten following the discovery of human remains. A woman in her 40s has been charged with complicity in murder, originally charged with complicity in deprivation of liberty. The missing man, a 30-year-old from Greenland, was last seen on the farm on New Year’s Eve. The police have made several interesting discoveries which have been sent to Kripos for analysis. There is a close relationship between the accused woman and the missing man. The accused woman has pleaded not guilty and is appealing the detention. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. This is confirmed by police inspector Liv Hilde Nytrøen to news. On Saturday, it became known that human remains have been found on the farm. With this, the charge against the woman in her 40s was changed from complicity in deprivation of liberty, to complicity in murder. Nytrøen did not want to answer where the remains were found, but hoped that the remains would be identified towards the end of the week. – Clarifying a person’s ID on the basis of remains takes some time. The investigations started on Friday, and they are still ongoing, she tells news. Continuing with forensic investigations The last, secure observation the police have of the missing 30-year-old from Grenland is New Year’s Eve. Then he must have stayed on the farm. Over several days last week, the police have made several interesting discoveries which have been submitted to Kripos. On Monday, four cars with crime scene technicians drove into the farm in Løten, according to news’s ​​journalist at the scene. The search is still on for the missing man’s mobile phone. – We have not seized the missing person’s mobile phone. We are actively working on that, but we have teledata and communication, says Nytrøen to VG. Large and extensive property When asked if there are any particular areas the police concentrate on, Nytrøen replies to news that it is a large property with several large buildings. – It has snowed, and there is an extensive area to get under control, so this takes time. – Will there be more arrests in this case? – There are no other suspects or accused in the case now, but in this type of case there will always be new arrests. Woman in her 40sWas arrested and charged with deprivation of liberty on 24 January.She completely disagrees with the charge, and pleads not guilty.Three days after the arrest, the charge was changed. She is now charged with complicity in murder. Man in his 30s. Reported missing by relatives on 12 January. From the Grenland area. Last seen on the farm in Løten on New Year’s Eve. did not want to go into more detail about the relationship. Now Nytrøen confirms to news that there is a close relationship. – This relationship is a central part of the investigation, and which we are working to map. Since she was arrested on Wednesday last week, the woman has sat through two hour-long interrogations. No new interrogations are planned for Monday, but there will be more interrogations later, according to the police inspector. On Monday, police inspector Liv Hilde Nytrøen confirmed that there has been a close relationship between the missing and the accused woman. Photo: Roar Andre Berntsen / news When news was in contact with the family’s legal aid lawyer on Saturday, she said that they were strongly affected by the whole case, especially after the latest developments. – They are shocked, sad, and have a lot of thoughts. Now they sincerely hope that the police will find out what has happened, said Heidi Ysen. Defense attorney Jens-Henrik Lien emphasizes that the accused woman in her 40s has always denied criminal guilt, is incomprehensive about the findings and that she has explained herself to the police. Photo: Roar Andre Berntsen / news Has appealed against the imprisonment The woman has always remained incomprehensive to the charge, and has not acknowledged criminal guilt. Defense attorney Jens-Henrik Lien tells news that his client is fully aware that she is innocent, and is consequently having a difficult time. – She has responded and cooperated as best she can, he says of the two hour-long interviews the police have conducted with her so far. On Friday, the prosecution won the Østre Innlandet district court’s decision to remand the accused woman in her 40s for four weeks. On Monday morning, Lien confirmed to news that they have submitted an appeal. – She believes there is no reasonable reason for suspicion, he wrote in an SMS. Police investigation in Løten Regarding a man in his 30s from the Greenland area, he is formally reported missing. Large police forces began investigations at the property. A woman in her 40s connected to the farm in Løten is arrested without drama. The woman is charged with deprivation of liberty or complicity in deprivation of liberty. Both the police and Kripos are continuing investigations at the scene. Among other things, the police did excavation work near the property. With the exception of rescue or health missions, it is not permitted to fly in the area. This means that neither helicopters nor the use of drones are permitted. The police start questioning the accused woman in her 40s. She explains herself for nine hours. Via her defender Jens-Henrik Lien, the accused woman states that she does not understand the charges and that she does not plead guilty. The police want to remand the woman on Friday, confirms her defender Jens-Henrik Lien. Police Inspector Liv Hilde Nytrøen tells news that the missing man has been on the farm for the last time before he disappeared, and that there is a relationship between the man and the woman. Several discoveries have been made in the last few days and have been sent to Kripos for analysis. – We hope that the answers to the analyzes will be able to help shed light on what has happened to the missing person, says police inspector Liv Hilde Nytrøen to news. On Friday afternoon, the Østre Innlandet District Court decided that the woman could be detained with a letter and visiting ban for four weeks, despite for her petition to be released. On Saturday, the police stated in a press conference that the charge against the woman in her 40s has been changed to complicity in murder. Traces of blood from the missing person have been found on the farm. In addition, human remains have been found there. The woman is appealing the imprisonment order, says defense attorney Jens-Henrik Lien. On Monday, the police started work on the forensic investigations at the farm. This work is expected to continue throughout the week, according to police inspector Liv Hilde Nytrøen. Show more
