Continued shooting in Gaza after the ceasefire was introduced – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The agreement between Hamas and Israel was that all military activity should cease at six o’clock Friday morning Norwegian time. It doesn’t seem like it might not have been the case. Even after the ceasefire was supposed to have been implemented, explosions could be heard in live video from Gaza. There is a lot of smoke in the live images. It is also possible to hear the sound of small arms fire. It has not been confirmed by the Israeli defense that the hostilities continued after the ceasefire had been introduced. Sirens went off in Israel In two Israeli villages on the border with Gaza, anti-aircraft sirens started howling right after the ceasefire should have been introduced, reports Haaretz. It was at 06:15 Norwegian time that the alarm went off in the two towns of Kissufim and Ein Hashalom. The sirens warned of possible rocket attacks from Gaza. There has been no confirmation that rockets have actually been fired from Gaza into Israel. Warns the citizens The Israeli Defense Force has sent out a video in the morning hours with clear warnings to the civilian inhabitants of the Gaza Strip. – It is forbidden to travel from the southern to the northern part of Gaza. It is associated with danger to life to do so, it is said in the video. It is clarified that the road is open in the other direction, from north to south. It is also clarified that this is only a pause in the war.
