Considering asking citizens if they want a referendum – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– We do not present this proposal as we do not get a majority to stop the process. But we have hope and belief that we can continue to work on this. This was said by the Labor Party’s group leader Kenneth Mørk during Wednesday’s meeting of the city council in Kristiansand. Before the meeting, it became known that the political leadership in Kristiansand was considering conducting a separate population survey in Søgne and Songdalen. The idea was to ask the people there if they want a referendum on whether they want to stay in the large municipality of Kristiansand or not. – Then we can hopefully end this process now, said mayor of Kristiansand Jan Oddvar Skisland (Labor) before the meeting started. Now it seems that nothing will happen. – We are left hanging in the air The city council also did not take a position on a referendum. It disappoints Conservative group leader Renate Hægeland. – We are left hanging in the air. I am afraid many big decisions and important issues will not be decided until now that we do not know what will happen. According to Mayor Skisland, there is still a majority in the city council to keep the large municipality. – But now we have decided to wait for the report from the State Administrator to see what we do, he says. The government has asked the State Administrator to study the consequences of a possible dissolution of the large municipality, of which Søgne and Songdalen became part in 2020. State Administrator in Agder Gina Lund, informed about the work with this during the meeting of the city council. The work is scheduled to begin in full by the autumn. Wanted its own survey The government has decided that the inhabitants of the former municipalities Søgne and Songdalen will be allowed to share their views on which municipality they want. The background is that residents in the former municipalities have promoted citizens’ initiatives. Before the meeting of the city council, the group leader in the Kristiansand Labor Party, Kenneth Mørk, said that the feedback from residents and businesses is that speed and predictability are needed in the case. When asked if a separate citizen survey was a scam against the government, he said no. – I think this is completely «fair play». They have arranged for people to be heard. Mørk was unsure whether the State Administrator’s report could be stopped with a separate population survey under the auspices of the municipality. – But if the inhabitants of Søgne and Songdalen do not want a referendum, we think it is unnecessary. Opposition to divorce is increasing In November, a survey showed that the majority of the inhabitants of both Søgne and Songdalen wanted a dissolution of the large municipality. At that time, 59 per cent of the inhabitants of Søgne wanted this. Now it is 48 percent, shows an opinion poll conducted by Respons Analyze for Fædrelandsvennen. It also shows that 43 percent will remain in new Kristiansand. In Songdalen, the proportion who want to keep the large municipality has increased from 31 to 49 percent. 39 percent want a split. In old Kristiansand, a clear majority will keep today’s large municipality. A separate population survey is now being considered in Søgne and Songdalen to find out whether they want a referendum or not. This can be a topic already in tonight’s city council meeting. Photo: Svein Sundsdal / news
