Conscripts must bring their own sneakers due to lack of equipment – news Troms and Finnmark

This applies to conscripts who show up from October. The reason is that it is almost empty for some of the sneaker sizes, and the Norwegian Armed Forces ‘logistics organization (FLO) is unable to deliver more, according to a document the Norwegian Armed Forces’ forum has been given access to. due to lack of equipment. They are also asking the branches of defense to wash the towels as the warehouses are likely to be emptied during the next year. – Unwanted situation There will be a delivery with 25,000 pairs of goggles this autumn. In the meantime, the Armed Forces will reuse the goggles they already have. – In general, delivery deviations are an undesirable situation that can affect indentation and further service, says staff sergeant, Aleksander Engborg Hage at the Armed Forces’ communications unit. Last year, it was announced that new soldiers will be given recycled panties, socks and bras when indented. Critical Viktor Fladmoe, chief shop steward in the Army, explains to news that equipment shortages have been a challenge over time. He believes the Armed Forces should have worked better to avoid ending up in such a situation. – When you call in Norwegian youth for a service, it should not be their responsibility to ensure that they have good enough equipment. – Not everyone has sneakers that are of good enough quality for them to function for a whole year during strenuous physical activity. It is absolutely reprehensible of the Armed Forces that fails to deliver this, he says to news. Soldiers in the Garrison in Sør-Varanger have had to wear holey woolen clothes because there was not enough in stock. This winter, FLO said they hope to avoid this by reusing underwear. The photo was taken a few years ago. Photo: Stian Solum / Forsvaret For many, it may not be a problem to sacrifice a pair of sneakers, but one must take as a starting point that not everyone has the equipment required, Fladmoe believes. He also says that he has heard from former conscripts who have been given used shoes. – It (equipment shortage, journ.anm.) Is a trend that has lasted a long time. And I think it’s pretty ridiculous not to have that problem fixed. If you order someone to do a service for a year, then it is the Armed Forces’ responsibility to have the equipment you need.
