Condemns video purporting to show beheading of Ukrainian soldier – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– No one in the world can ignore this: How easily these beasts kill, says Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He reacts strongly to the video circulating on social media. The video appears to show a Russian soldier using a knife to cut off the head of a Ukrainian soldier. news has not verified the video itself. Screenshot from video. Photo: Screenshot from video. The man in Ukrainian uniform is lying on the ground and he can be heard shouting that it hurts, while another man in uniform kneels over him and cuts his throat with a knife. Because there is green grass on the ground, this video is believed to be from last summer. – We will not forget. And we will not forgive, says Zelenskyy about the video. Screenshot from video. Photo: Screenshot from video. Kremlin: Cruel video Spokesperson for Russian President Vladimir Putin calls the video cruel, but also says that there is a lot of fake news. – First of all, we have to make sure that the video is real, Dmitry Peskov said in his daily telephone meeting with journalists on Wednesday. – There may be reason to check whether it is real or not, whether this happened, and if it happened, where and by whom, Peskov added. Dmitrij Peskov Photo: KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP Both the UN and the EU condemn the beheading – with the caveat that the video is genuine. The EU says war crimes in Ukraine must be punished. – We have no more information about the credibility of the video. Having said that, if confirmed, this is yet another brutal reminder of the inhumane nature of the Russian aggression, says spokesperson Nabila Massrali. More videos in circulation Major Russian media also mention the video. They focus on spokesperson Peskov’s point that they may be fake and that they need to verify. Another video shared on social media also appears to show beheadings in Ukraine. There it appears that two beheaded Ukrainian soldiers lying on the ground next to a wrecked military vehicle. A voice says “They killed them. (…) They cut off their heads.” It is also not documented that this video is real. According to CNN, the video must have been taken near Bakhmut, the city Ukrainian and Russian soldiers have been fighting for for many months. Ukraine’s president says those responsible must be brought to justice. – Legal responsibility will be taken for everything. We must win over terror, he says. The UN human rights monitoring mission in Ukraine calls the video “horrific”. – We are horrified by particularly cruel videos published on social media. One of the videos shows the brutal execution of a man who appears to be a Ukrainian prisoner of war, the other shows mutilated corpses of alleged Ukrainian prisoners of war, says the mission according to AFP. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reacts strongly to the videos. Photo: Efrem Lukatsky / AP
