Concerned about safety in Oslo – asks the government for help – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

An increase in youth violence and gang crime worries the new city council leader. At the same time, he says that the police’s resources have been stretched so far that he is afraid it will burst. It was VG who mentioned the case first. – Oslo is a safe city, but I am concerned about developments going in the wrong direction. Especially when the police say that the resources are not enough, says Lae Solberg. Now he wants help from the government to strengthen the police in Oslo. – The police need more resources to work preventively among young people. Resources are also needed to fight gang crime, says the new city council leader. City councilor in Oslo, Eirik Lae Solberg is worried about the safety of the capital if the police are not strengthened. Photo: Hans Ivar Moss Kolseth / news Not sustainable in the long term According to Lae Solberg, the Oslo police’s resource situation is not sustainable in the long term. He says that the police today have control, but with increasing work tasks, the police are under pressure. – There is a danger that what happens in Sweden can also happen here. Especially when the focus is more on the police in Sweden and Denmark, and not here. The government needs to strengthen the police in Oslo, according to the city council leader. – There are several hundred police officers who have completed their training and who do not have a job. Therefore, there must be an opportunity to employ more people and strengthen the police in the Oslo region. Agrees with Lae Solberg To VG, Lae Solberg says that cutting police budgets is the same as importing organized crime. State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Services, Sigve Bolstad, agrees. – Next year, the police will receive 2 billion more than this year. 500 million of this are fresh investments, including for priority areas in Oslo, says Bolstad. He says that the increasing workload and rising prices have led to an increased load. Especially in the Oslo police district. State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness, Sigve Bolstad agrees that the police in Oslo must be strengthened Photo: Politiets Fellesforbund – The police must deal with gang crime, psychiatry and the turmoil in the world that has consequences for Norway, adds Bolstad. Strong increase in youth violence in Oslo In recent years, there have been many more cases of violence where young people are behind it. Last week, a 15-year-old boy was shot at Godlia in Oslo. A 19-year-old man has been charged with attempted murder and remanded in custody. Another teenage boy was seriously injured in a stabbing at Grorud. A 16-year-old boy detained. He is charged with attempted murder. These are just two of many cases in which young people are involved. In the past year, violence among young people has increased sharply in Oslo. Among other things, this has led to more work for the police. Photo: Kjartan Rørslett The number of reported cases of violence where the perpetrators are children or young people has increased by 74 per cent so far this year, compared to last year. – Especially where the perpetrator is under 15 or under 18. It is especially cases of violence and cases of profit that are the proportion we see among these, says Hanne Finanger of the Oslo Police.
