Concern about the sharing trend of overdose photos among young people on social media – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Several hospitals report an increase in young people who overdose on painkillers, especially paracetamol. Young people share photos and videos of themselves in hospital beds with IVs in their arms on social media, especially TikTok. Professionals believe that this is a cry for help and a way for young people to draw attention to their problems. There is concern that this trend is spreading and could influence other young people to try the same. Psychological specialist Marthe Opsal believes that the younger generation has little training in dealing with discomfort, and that this may be part of the problem. The school and the healthcare system encourage you to talk to someone about the problems, and there are several help services available. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. news has recently reported that several hospitals are experiencing an increase in children and young people taking too many painkillers. Some of them share videos and photos of the admission or from the hospital bed. The video at the top of the case shows an anonymous user on TikTok drinking a bottle of liquid Paracetamol. Another has shared a picture of himself lying in a hospital bed with an IV in his arm. There are many pictures and videos from hospitals out on social media such as TikTok. Photo: H. Philip Hofgaard / news These young people are in a desperate situation, says senior doctor Morten Falke. – Everyone has gone through the difficult youth period, but now it is perhaps even more difficult for our young people. Every week, Sykehuset i Vestfold has to treat around three patients aged 12–16 who have taken too much painkillers. Morten Falke, senior physician at the children’s and youth department at Sykehuset i Vestfold. Photo: H. Philip Hofgaard / news Posts posts from the hospital bed The hospital registers that several young patients post pictures and videos when they receive health care. In this way, the young people get attention directed at themselves and their problem, says the superior. – Through social media, take pictures, send snaps and messages to friends and acquaintances. This is today’s young people’s way of distributing their own focus. There is great concern about this sharing trend, says Falke. – This is something we see spreading, both in certain local groups and environments. But we are also afraid of the general spread into youth environments and society. – Very harmful You have not noticed that it is posted from the sick bed, but think it is a shame that it is happening. That’s what the three ninth-graders news has spoken to say. They think young people share because they need help. Irini Mohammed, Ahmed, Ingrid Bettum Poulsen and Sigmund Ulshagen are in ninth grade at Byskogen School in Tønsberg. None of them have seen these videos themselves. Photo: H. Philip Hofgaard / news – It can give other ideas to try it out themselves, and that is very harmful, says Sigmund Ulshagen. Some may do it to get a lot of views, to get love and recognition, believes Ingrid Bettum Poulsen. – I think it’s scary and uncomfortable that people do that. Do you need someone to talk to about this? If you suspect poisoning – call 113 quickly Talk to an adult you are safe with or to the health nurse at school There are many different helplines: Mental health has, for example, a chat for young people is a good site for information HelseNorge has many different help services The students receive support from headmaster Andreas Dyre-Hansen. He believes that many people have a desire to tell about the problems, but that they lack the tools to express themselves. The headmaster thinks it is sad that some people are willing to take such large amounts of painkillers. Andreas Dyre-Hansen is the principal at Byskogen School in Tønsberg. Photo: H. Philip Hofgaard / news He also believes that there are several reasons why overconsumption is shared on social media. – On the other hand, there are those who challenge life by being tough, cool and getting attention for it. Little experience of discomfort Young people are active on their mobile phones for half the day. That may be one of the reasons why they seek confirmation through social media, believes psychologist specialist Marthe Opsal. Young people tell her how important it is for them to get likes and comments. Psychologist specialist Marthe Opsal at Familiehuset in Tønsberg. Photo: H. Philip Hofgaard / news The psychologist is worried about the development. She believes that the younger generation has little training in feeling discomfort, and that it will therefore be difficult to tolerate it. – We allow ourselves to be easily distracted. It is the fastest strategy when something is uncomfortable, says Opsal. It means that we don’t get to feel that life fluctuates, and that it will also go well. – It is a very important experience, and knowledge you gain by experiencing when things go down, and that it also goes up again. Watch the explanatory video below to learn more about paracetamol: Hello! Have you or your child experienced this? I would love to hear from you if you have experience to share on this topic.
