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9 October 2023 at 17:35 Solbakken on Saudi Arabia’s World Cup application: – I’m not the one who will take that debate on Dagsnytt 18 – I’m not the national team manager who will take that debate on Dagsnytt 18 in 2034. Someone else will be allowed to do that, says Ståle Solbakken. This is what the national team manager says after it became clear earlier on Monday that Saudi Arabia is applying for the football World Cup in 2034. Solbakken was very vocal ahead of the World Cup in Qatar and made it clear that the country should not be allowed to host the championship. Saudi Arabia, like Qatar, has repeated violations of human rights on its record. This time, Solbakken says that it is football president Lise Klaveness and general secretary Karl-Petter Løken who will take the debate. – If there is anyone standing on the barricades to ensure that the right decisions are made, it is our political leadership. I would have been more worried if it had been from a couple of neighboring countries. Sweden’s national team manager Janne Andersson says that it may be relevant for him to coach teams in Saudi Arabia in the future. – I’m too old to spend my life on it. There are reasons of principle that I would like to present in detail, but I will not be “cocky” and say that I could never do that, Solbakken answers when asked if he could do the same. – What do you say if Saudi makes a big offer? – I will not be a coach there, I will not be, he confirms.
