– Completely dependent on the market – news Troms and Finnmark

– There is a lot to happen in a short time up here in the north, says Marit Kristiansen, department director for acquisitions at Forsvarsbygg. On Tuesday, she was at Bardufoss in Indre Troms to participate in the information meeting on future development and operating agreements in the north under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense and Forsvarsbygg. At the beginning of June, all the parties in the Storting agreed on a new long-term plan for the Armed Forces for the period 2025–2036. In the final defense plan, it became clear that a total of NOK 1,635 billion will be spent on defense over the next 12 years. This is an increase of 80 per cent from today’s budgets. And that will mean large-scale development, also in the north. In the new long-term plan for the defence, 97 billion has been set aside for Defense Construction. For the current year, NOK 700 million has been set aside for the improvement of barracks, housing and infrastructure. – We have a large investment in personnel-related property, buildings and construction – that is, where the soldiers will live, sleep and eat, Kristiansen explains. Marit Kristiansen from Forsvarsbygg. Photo: Malin Straumsnes / news There is already a competition for the purchase of homes at Skjold in Målselv municipality. And soon several projects, both inside and outside the camp at Skjold and Setermoen, will go out to tender. Setermoen is to be built for close to NOK 10 billion: projects are already underway for the rehabilitation of barracks, new housing and a guard building. It has also been decided to build three multi-purpose halls, office buildings, 35 homes and 60 quarters. In addition, 300–400 quarters, approximately 140 homes, and a dozen other buildings are planned. At Skjold, 6.5 billion will be built, including quarters, housing, multi-purpose hall, laundry hall and office building. Kristiansen believes it is important to inform the local community and local businesses about the impending promise as early as possible. This is precisely where large parts of the supplier market for Defense construction are located. – We depend on the market being well prepared, because we have to do a lot in a short time. – Can drip a little on everyone The local business community is ready to start the construction projects, says Frode Kiil of the Målselv company Brødrene Kiil. – I think it can probably rub off on everyone. We have had several large collaborative projects before, he says. The sums now in question are far higher than Kiil and several of the other local firms are used to. More info Frode Kiil in Brødrene Kiil talks to a defense employee. Photo: Malin Straumsnes / news – But I think we should be able to take a good deal away. We have been happy as a small company for a few years. Now I see that we have to step it up a few notches to be able to compete for the future contracts. Kiil believes that there will be work for everyone when the projects are started. – We have colleagues in Tromsø, Harstad, in the north county, in the north of Nordland, and in Finnmark, and I think there can be work for everyone. Perhaps several people will have to collaborate on the big jobs. Demanding, but necessary The head of the Army, Major General Lars Lervik, also believes that the Armed Forces are dependent on the local actors to succeed in what they are facing now. He describes the challenge that the massive upgrade entails as follows: – What we have to do now is that we have to continue driving our car, while at the same time we have to upgrade it. And then we will also buy new cars. At the same time, Lervik believes that the defense pledge is absolutely necessary. – I have to admit that I sense a bit of a rush here too. The world around us suggests that we must invest in the Armed Forces now. And one of the important things is that we are able to carry out the construction projects outlined here. Commander of the Army, Lars Lervik, in the Istindportalen. Photo: Malin Straumsnes / news – What is the most precarious thing to put in place? – The most critical thing is to get adequate facilities in place, so people can live. And then we have to develop firing ranges and have places to keep our equipment. – So this is a big investment – the biggest since the Second World War. But is that enough? – It’s a very good start, and I think it will pay off. Then we’ll see. When the world changes, we must change with the world. – Local-civilian business life the key For the time being, Kristiansen in Forsvarsbygg cannot give many details, but they want to do so in time. – If we can stimulate the market to join us and think of new solutions and how we can solve this task smartly, then we need a relationship and a dialogue before the competitions go out into the market. – Are you dependent on civil society and local business to make this happen? – Yes absolutely. It is local civil business that is the key. Defense buildings alone do not have the capacity to implement this. We are completely dependent on the market. This is precisely what State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence, Anne Marie Aanerud (Sp), also points out to news. – We are going to build a lot of new things, get a lot of new material, and a lot of new personnel. That is why it is important that we can draw on civil society and business, both locally and regionally, to help us do the big development job we have in front of us, she says. State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence, Anne Marie Aanerud. Photo: Malin Straumsnes / news Aanerud emphasizes that the large budget increase brings with it a great responsibility for the Armed Forces. – We have a responsibility both to achieve the goals we have set ourselves in the long-term plan, but also to manage our money in the best possible way, and get the most defense power out of every single kroner. These are community funds that we all help finance. Kristiansen in Forsvarsbygg believes that the biggest challenge in the future will be that a lot will happen at the same time. – We must be able to put the puzzle together, so that personnel growth in the Armed Forces matches the money that is available. It must be trained, and it must be built, and we must make all the pieces in the entire defense sector fit together. Published 02.07.2024, at 17.54
