Complete confusion after Sissel Knutsen Hegdal resigned – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– Here we have a mayor who says she goes on the day and later apparently retracts it. It is complete chaos, says group leader Dag Mossige in the Stavanger Labor Party. On Wednesday last week, Sissel Knutsen Hegdal (H) went out in Stavanger Aftenblad and told that she is resigning as mayor of Stavanger. A week later, she stated to the same newspaper that she is still mayor. Sissel Knutsen Hegdal managed to be mayor of Stavanger for barely a year before she announced her resignation. Photo: Erik Waage / news In other words, there is complete confusion about the office of mayor in one of the country’s largest cities. The Labor Party is the largest opposition party. Group leader Mossige says the Labor Party is very surprised by the latest developments in the case. – We have dealt with what she has said in the media: That she is leaving. Now there was already enough uncertainty about who would become the new mayor, but on top of it all she now says that she is not resigning. Then it is clear that we are asking ourselves some questions related to the governing ability of today’s majority. Dag Mossige in the Stavanger Labor Party believes that one of the country’s largest cities must be able to clean up the mayor case. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news Thinks the situation is embarrassing Mossige thinks the mayor case in Stavanger makes the whole city look bad. – First of all, it is quite embarrassing from the outside that a city of 150,000 inhabitants is unable to agree on who is the mayor. This is not stable and the situation must be clarified as quickly as possible. Since last year’s election, the Conservative Party has governed Stavanger together with KrF, Frp, Venstre and the Pensioners’ Party. The bourgeois have barely a possible majority, with 34 out of 67 representatives in the municipal council. Mossige rejects that the Labor Party revels in the Conservatives’ misery. – Not at all. This reflects badly on the entire city and the entire political class. It needs to be fixed. Those who have a very narrow majority after the election last year must clean up. Knutsen Hegdal is on sick leave, and deputy mayor Henrik Halleland (KrF) acts as mayor. He believes the whole case came out skewed from the jump-off, and that this makes it unnecessarily complicated. – We are not in a challenging situation in Stavanger. Stavanger is still well managed. But it should have been communicated in a different way. Halleland says it is up to Sissel Knutsen Hegdal how she chooses to handle the situation further. – This has only escalated. We have to clean it up, but it is up to the Conservative Party to find solutions. It’s urgent. Deputy mayor Henrik Halleland (KrF) is the acting mayor of Stavanger. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news Høyre and Frp see no confusion Acting group leader Hilde Karlsen in Stavanger Høyre repeats the same message as general secretary Tom Erlend Skaug in Høyre central: They relate to the fact that Knutsen Hegdal has said that she is resigning. – But she says she is still mayor and that she has not sent any application for exemption? – I don’t understand that that is what she has said. I relate to the fact that she has said that she has resigned. – How devastating is this confusion for the Conservative Party in Stavanger? – I don’t know if there is any confusion or just misinterpretations. I do not understand that Sissel has said that she is not withdrawing or will not send an application. But I see that others may interpret it differently. Acting group leader Hilde Karlsen in Stavanger Conservative Party. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news According to group leader Leif Arne Moi Nilsen in Stavanger Frp, the situation is quite clear. – I think some people maximize the crisis. We have a mayor who works. Mayors have been ill before, it’s going just fine. Moi Nilsen believes that Knutsen Hegdal has done a very good job as mayor and wants her back in office. – Several say they are embarrassed by Stavanger, what do you say to that? – I have never been embarrassed by Stavanger and never will be. This just shows that there is life. Leif Arne Moi Nilsen in Stavanger FRP. Photo: Rolv Christian Topdahl / news Published 12.09.2024, at 14.05 Updated 12.09.2024, at 14.42
