Comparing Hamas to Putin – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– Hamas and Putin represent different threats, but have in common that they want to wipe out a neighbor that is a democracy. That’s what Biden said in a rare televised speech from the Oval Office on the night of Friday Norwegian time. He further said that terrorists like Hamas and tyrants like Putin cannot be allowed to win. Biden announced that he will ask Congress to support an aid package for Israel and Ukraine. The president believes that support for Israel and Ukraine will pay off in the form of strengthened American security for generations. – It will help us prevent American soldiers from being injured, and help us build a world that is safer, more peaceful and better for our children and grandchildren, Biden said. US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave each other a hug when they met at the airport in Tel Aviv this week. Photo: AP In his speech, Biden said that American leadership holds the world together. – It is not worth risking all that by failing Ukraine and turning your back on Israel. Therefore, tomorrow I will send Congress a request to fund America’s security needs – and support our important partners including Israel and Ukraine, Biden said. The president, who was himself born during the Second World War, with great faith in America’s role in the world, has visited both wartime places in the past year. Ukraine in February and Israel earlier this week. He argues for the importance of Israel and Ukraine winning the wars they are a part of, and hopes to gain broad support among the people to strengthen both countries, far away from the United States. In the speech, the president tries to tell war-weary Americans why they should care.
