Companies ask employees to remove TikTok

– The challenge when this happens is that parents do not get the same knowledge about TikTok when they have to delete the app. You can get a bigger information and knowledge gap between children and parents, says the day-to-day manager of the Childcare Centre, Leif Gunnar Vestbøstad Vik. The babysitter works to give parents, teachers, children and young people advice on media use. In recent weeks, a number of public institutions have asked employees with work telephones to delete TikTok. Several municipalities, universities and Telenor are examples of this. Last out is the Norwegian Armed Forces, which on Friday banned TikTok on its service phones. news sends out information to its employees about deleting the app on Thursday. – As long as the children have TikTok on their mobile, it can be quite difficult to follow and have an overview, says Klara Øverland, who is an associate professor and psychology specialist at the Learning Environment Center at the University of Stavanger. Can lose control over the children When parents delete the app, one can lose track of what the children are doing on TikTok. – One option is to buy an extra phone for private use, where you can install TikTok. The app has very good parental settings that can limit your child’s TikTok quite a bit. You can adapt according to maturity and age, says Vik. The second piece of advice is to talk to the children about internet use every day, and ask questions. What have you seen? What do they experience? Who are they friends with? What videos do they watch? What are they laughing at? Why do people click on one and the other? Have they seen something unpleasant that they reacted to? These are examples of questions the childminder believes you can ask the children. – This is to make the children reflect, he says. – Extremely important Klara Øverland at the Learning Environment Center believes that one does not necessarily need to buy a new phone. – One solution could be to have a tablet with TikTok, so that you can follow what the child is doing, she says. Øverland also highlighted dialogue with the child about what they do and watch on TikTok and other social media. – It is extremely important. The content that is published comes from all over the world. It is often uncensored, can be completely random, small representations can be taken out of context. Then teaching your child to be critical of what they see is absolutely essential, she says. My employer has responsibility As with all things, the level of knowledge is different among parents. Getting involved in the children’s internet use is important, she believes. – It is important for parents to read about social media and update themselves. But first of all talk to the child and ask what they are looking at, ask them to show what they are looking at, and show how things work, says Øverland. – Children are often ahead of adults, so here you can learn a lot from your own children, she says. At a time when many people have a work phone, Øverland believes that employers also have a responsibility. – There are no rules for this. But as long as the phones are used both privately and at work, things flow into each other. Often there are large companies with good IT expertise, who have well-qualified people. They are at the forefront and can give good advice on how employees should stick to new things, she says.
