Committee calls for caution – concerned about poorer food provision in the district – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The committee proposes the following measures to raise the status of women’s health and strengthen gender perspectives in health: Measure 1: Establish a national committee for women’s health and health from a gender perspective Measure 2: Prioritize the work to introduce a new funding model for maternity care Measure 3: Review current diagnosis-related groups (DRG ) to ensure that the funding system in the specialist health service facilitates the prioritization of women’s health Measure 4: Review and change rates in the municipal health service to ensure that prioritizing women’s health is financially rewarded Measure 5: Introduce requirements for a gender perspective in all medical and healthcare research Measure 6: Increase funding of research related to women’s health Measure 7: Strengthen the National Center for Women’s Health Research Measure 8: Announce funding for the establishment of several national centers for research on women’s health and health from a gender perspective Measure 9: Increase funds for research in general practice through the general medical research units etene Measure 10: Establish a cross-ministerial working group for women’s health and health in a gender perspective Measure 11: Create a central specialist unit for women’s health and health in a gender perspective Measure 12: Ensure the population’s access to good health services regardless of place of residence and finances Measure 13: Investigate new financing arrangements for cooperation Measure 14: Establish systems to safeguard a gender perspective in the decision-making basis in the field of health and care Measure 15: Review and update national guidelines for diseases and health conditions affecting women Measure 16: Incorporate gender and how gender affects health, disease and treatment in regulations on joint framework plan for health and social studies courses Measure 17: Ensure that up-to-date knowledge of medical research on gender differences in health and the importance of gender for health is a national requirement in national guidelines for health and social studies courses (RETHOS) Measure 18: Establish a collaborative network for gender, health and technology ology Measure 19: Facilitate better utilization of health data in work with women’s health and gender perspectives in health Measure 20: Establish better systems for knowledge-based practice in mental health care Measure 21: Update current and provide new gender-specific information on Measure 22: Establish a digital women’s health portal for disseminating knowledge about women’s health Measure 23: Increase the health skills of different population groups. Listening to women’s voices The committee proposes the following measures to ensure that women’s own experiences are taken into account in decision-making processes concerning women’s health: Measure 24: Establish a user committee for women’s health and health from a gender perspective Measure 25: Initiate research into how women with women’s disorders are treated in the services Measure 26: Investigate the possibility of a national quality register for women’s health disorders Measure 27: National user survey on gender differences in patients’ encounters with the health service. Measure 28: Prioritize the work to make the health and care services better able to prevent, avert and detect violence and abuse against children. Measure 29: Strengthen the health center for young people and the school health service Measure 30: Introduce an exemption for deductibles for visits to the doctor for young people between the ages of 16 and 18 Measure 31: Make contraception free for everyone under 25 Measure 32: Strengthen the offer for children and young people with eating disorders Measure 33: Strengthen sex education in primary and secondary schools Measure 34: Raise the competence of gender and health among teachers and kindergarten teachers Measure 35: Prioritize research into mental disorders Measure 36: Prioritize research into effective treatment of mental disorders and ensure that knowledge and research form the basis of treatment Measure 37: Ensure effective measures against sexual harassment in schools Measure 38: Prioritize work to ensure good health services for patients with endometriosis and adenomyosis Measure 39: Strengthen vulva polyclinics in all health regions Women in the establishment phase Measure 40: Ensure safe and good pregnancy, childbirth and maternity follow-up regardless of place of residence Measure 41: Strengthen low-threshold support uded for maternal health in the municipal and specialist health services Measure 42: Ensure systematicity in the work to map and follow up mental health problems during pregnancy and after birth Measure 43: Strengthen the offer of a multicultural doula for pregnant women Measure 44: Ensure undocumented pregnant women have the right to health services in connection with pregnancy, birth and maternity Measure 45: Better follow-up after induced abortion and miscarriage Measure 46: Prioritize electronic health cards for pregnant women Measure 47: Establish gender-specific treatment services for women and men within substance abuse care Measure 48: Ensure equal health care for the most vulnerable women in Norwegian prisons Measure 49: Increase research into the health consequences of violence against women in connection with break-ups Measure 50: Appoint a public committee that looks in particular at women’s occupational health Women in the middle of life Measure 51: Establish a national competence center for chronic pain Measure 52: Expand the possibility of blue prescriptions or individual reimbursement in the past nding with hormone treatment during menopause Measure 53: Increase knowledge about menopause and working life Measure 54: Prioritize preventive treatment of osteoporosis Older women Measure 55: Ensure geriatric competence in the health and care service Measure 56: Introduce guidelines for health and care personnel that ensure that all elderly patients are asked if they have experience of violence or abuse Measure 57: Create a research program on elderly women’s health Measure 58: Frequent, routine and systematic drug reviews in the elderly Measure 59: National guidelines to ensure proper housing and diet for the elderly Measure 60: Quality development project to ensure dignity-preserving care at the end of life Measure 61: Stimulate more research into Sami women’s health and Sami health from a gender perspective Measure 62: Ensure systematicity in the work to ensure Sami language and cultural competence in the health and care services Measure 63: Strengthen the grant scheme for professional development g and raising competence in the health and care services for Sami users Measure 64: Prepare a national action plan against Sami unity and strengthen the national efforts towards Sami unity Measure 65: Ensure an equal and culturally sensitive treatment offer for Sami patients who have been exposed to violence and abuse Measure 66: Strengthen the crisis center provision in the Sami settlement area Measure 67: Establish professional networks for coordinating suicide prevention in the Sami population Measure 68: Ensure that sex education is offered in Sami languages ​​Measure 69: Strengthen the knowledge base about relatives and prepare a new relatives strategy and action plan Measure 70: Investigate the need for changes in the economic the compensation schemes and the leave provisions for relatives Measure 71: Increase competence on relative cooperation among health personnel Measure 72: Prioritize the work to implement relative agreements in the health and care service Measure 73: Strengthen the subsidy scheme for holistic support for relatives with demanding care tasks Measure 74: Strengthen and further develop information for relatives on Measure 75: Strengthen the role of volunteers in relative work.
