Command sentenced to prison for having abused his position to achieve sex – news Troms and Finnmark

The man, who has a long career in the Armed Forces, was also accused of sending messages with sexually offensive content. The female colleague is considerably younger than him, and also of lower military rank. However, there were two very different explanations given when the case was heard in court. The man did not admit criminal guilt, and denied having abused his position. He said in court that it was the woman who came close to him. The prosecutor asked for nine months’ imprisonment for the man, and the aggrieved party’s assistance lawyer filed a claim for NOK 65,000 in restitution. The man is sentenced to six months in prison and must pay 60,000 kroner in reparation. The case was heard over two days in North Troms and Senja District Court. Photo: Malin Straumsnes / news Gross, sexual language The incident in question is said to have taken place in a military camp in Inner Troms last June. During a social gathering, the accused had been thanked in their position. After drinking and dancing at the mass in the camp in question, both the offended, the accused, and a number of other people went home to the woman. The woman explained that when she went into her bedroom to change from uniform to civilian, the man was already there. The woman said that the man, with whom she had had a long and good collegial relationship until then, began to speak a very crude, sexual language to her. She tried to “de-escalate” the situation by staying calm, but at the same time saying no and asking him to leave the room. She was afraid he might ruin something for her if she called some of the others present in the house. Later that night, she told the other party participants about the experience she had had. A male colleague encouraged her to notify the Armed Forces. The case was later sent to the civilian police and further investigated there. – I had never imagined that I would join such a case. It feels very uncomfortable. But I want to speak out as a colleague, that has been my thought, the woman said in court. Record number of warnings to the Armed Forces news has recently reported on several warning cases in the Armed Forces, where leaders have also received warnings against them. Commanders in the Armed Forces have been accused of everything from sexual harassment and bullying, to breaches of security clearance, without any consequences. The unions believe that warnings are not taken seriously enough and call this a culture. Following news’s ​​revelations, a record number of warnings have been received by the Armed Forces. Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen has notified dishes after the notification cases. The Chief of Defense has received several warnings a day in recent weeks. Photo: Øyvind Bye Skille / news
