– Coming to score 100 goals a week – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Top scorer in the Premier League, top scorer in the Champions League, wins in the Premier League, the FA Cup and the Champions League – and 52 goals in 53 games. Erling Braut Haaland has played havoc in his first season for Manchester City and grinned about competing with the floodlights at the Atatürk Stadium as he went back and forth with the various TV channels after City’s 1-0 win against Inter in the Meisterliga final on Saturday evening . After answering several questions on the CBS broadcast, former Liverpool player Jamie Carragher intervened. Carragher wondered if Haaland had any questions for striker legend Thierry Henry, who stood by Haaland’s side. Apparently a bit taken aback by Carragher’s question, Haaland pointed out that he had many questions, before asking if Henry had any advice for him? – One piece of advice… I said it on air. Inside the box there is nothing you can learn. It is unparalleled. But with your back to the goal, taking the ball with your right and taking runs where you don’t want to go… There is something you can learn, but then they will take the quadruple, said Henry cheerfully. – If he starts by getting to the right and finishes with his right foot towards the farthest, in the same way as he runs to the left, then it’s over. He will score 100 goals a week, said Henry. IN GOOD MOOD: Thierry Henry, here from an earlier occasion. Photo: LEE SMITH / Reuters – Don’t forget that I’m 22. Haaland himself is clear that he still has a lot to learn. – Honestly, I agree. Don’t forget that I am 22 years old. Think back to when they were 22. There is so much you will learn. In three years, I will think back on how I thought. I look at myself. There is such a big difference from when I signed for Dortmund and now, in so many things. From how I think after matches, how I think before matches, how I motivate myself, how I talk to others. You gain experience through others and out on the pitch. I completely agree, I can develop so much more, he said. National team manager Ståle Solbakken thinks Henry is right in his analysis. – So you can say that if Kevin De Bruyne plays on the right, which he mostly does, then it is wise to lie slightly to the left when the cross comes. If you are left-footed, it is sometimes natural to do that as well, he says at a press conference on Monday, and continues: – On the other hand, if you develop your right leg even better, it may be easier to come in from the right. At the same time, you get your left leg furthest towards the target. It depends on what team you play for. PLAYERS AND COACHES: Erling Braut Haaland and Ståle Solbakken. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB When asked about Haaland’s potential, Solbakken replies: – I don’t know if it’s much higher, but he can improve. He can become even rougher in the air and certainly get more sniping with his right leg, even if he scores a few goals with it too. Then there are some things he is world-leading at. It’s the timing, don’t go offside, sniff balls in the field and move in the field. I don’t think he has anything to do there, because there he is the best. Paying tribute to Guardiola: – Best in the world In an interview with BT Sport, Haaland also highlighted the role of City manager Pep Guardiola. – Working with him is very special. We have a good relationship and ever since I came here, he has helped me a lot. To be coached by him every single day, the best coach in the world, it’s a good place to be, said Haaland. Former Manchester City player Mario Balotelli was also on the BT panel and was full of praise for the Norwegian. – I can’t teach him anything. This guy scores a lot and can score even more. He is right. You win and you can celebrate, but you can always improve. When you are 22 years old and have such a mentality … He wants to win a lot, Balotelli said. IN ISTANBUL: Mario Balotelli got to see the Meisterliga trophy up close on Saturday. Photo: PAUL ELLIS / AFP National team meeting next The next thing for Haaland now, after the parade in Manchester on Monday evening, will be the international matches against Scotland (June 17) and Cyprus (June 20) in Oslo. – When that parade is over, he should have his last cocktail and then get here. That is what the agreement is, that he is to appear here during Tuesday, says Solbakken. Towards the end of the CBS interview, Henry asked if a championship with Norway is something Haaland is thinking about. – WC, EC, both – I would love to play WC and EC with Norway. I will do everything I can to make it happen. If I’m going to look back on my career (and be satisfied), then I must have played at the WC or EC, said Haaland.
