Colorful children’s toys and clothes are replaced with neutral colors to match the interior – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– It probably has a lot to do with the fact that it fits better into the interior, is gender neutral and more pleasant to look at. That’s what Kristine Kvernstrøm says, who is the general manager at Babycare. She notices that a lot of toys and clothes are sold in the colors beige, white and brown. In her shop, there is no doubt which colors are the most popular. Beige beauties, old pink bottles and toys in soft colors take up space on the shelves. Kristine Kvernstrøm believes that children benefit from strong colours. In the store, on the other hand, there are mostly neutral colors. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news – Now there are only more and more beige wagons, Kvernstrøm points out. She feels that they have reached the peak of clothes in soft colors, but when it comes to the interior, it just sells more and more. Before, she sold more toys and clothes in pink and blue. – It is the younger mothers and fathers who want it neutral, while older parents and grandparents want more colour. In the very center of the shop, slightly hidden away, there is a small wall with toys in bright colours. – In the entrance area there are nice, soft colours. We have many young mothers who come and are captivated, and it’s probably about the colors harmonizing. Had to drop toys in earth tones Camilla Gaste loves interiors, and is concerned that things should be tidy and in the right colors at home. This also applied to the children’s games, but only for a short period. It is clear that Camilla Gaste is concerned with interiors and soft colors on her Instagram account. Photo: Private – I was like this when I had my first daughter. Everything had to be neutral, and it had to be nice to have on the floor when the kid was going to play with it. But she soon found out that her children, who are now two and four years old, were not interested in the beige toys. – It will not be played with, they need strong colours. I like earth tones myself, but I have rather found two large baskets in which I have the “ugly” toys. So then I just had to give up hope that everything the family owned would be colour-coordinated. Now she prefers good quality toys with bright colours. – The toys are not nice, but very clever for the children. When they received gifts from others that were strong in color, I thought: Geez, the kid plays a lot with these toys. Do you make sure that the children’s equipment is in style with the interior at home? Yes, I like best that everything is color coordinated. No, I don’t emphasize the colors when I shop for children. Show result – Nice to see Maryam Lothe (22) is the mother of a five-month-old daughter. In their home, mostly soft earthy colors are used. – I think it’s about the fact that it’s nice to look at and that the games are not a burden when you have visitors. It may lie ahead. Maryam Lothe is proven by the colors of the equipment she buys for her five-month-old daughter. Photo: Private Photo: Private Photo: Private Photo: private Lothe also has no doubt that it has become more popular. She herself has several reasons for shopping for clothes and toys in a neutral color palette. – It’s a bit about the things being able to be used for a longer period of time, also when they get older. It is more practical, and it can be resold to both sexes. The toys are easy to look at, so that I don’t have to clean up when I have visitors. But she is clear that her daughter will be able to choose which colors she wants to wear on toys and clothes when she gets older. – I myself experimented a lot with my style, and I wear a lot of colorful clothes. But I want to start slowly, so that she can also experiment later. There are few strong colors to be seen on the shop shelves. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news Recommends parents give their children colorful toys Kolbjørn Kallesten Brønnick says he is shocked that parents choose colors for toys and clothes based on what best suits the interior at home. He is professor of psychology at the University of Stavanger. – It is absolutely terrible. A child is not something that should fit into the interior. I think you have to wait to have children if you have that attitude. Brønnick says that it is very good for children to have varied stimuli while growing up. He believes there is every reason to think that it also applies to colours. Kolbjørn Kallesten Brønnick, professor of psychology at the University of Stavanger, believes that it is a social phenomenon that parents buy neutral toys to a greater extent. Photo: University of Stavanger – I would recommend parents to give children colorful toys. Some children prefer stronger stimuli than others, so it is important to listen to your child’s preferences. But to know that, the child must experience different colors and impressions. He points out that children get sensory impressions from what they experience around them, for example nature. – The children should have a world of experiences where strong colors are included, I think that is completely obvious. Something else would be to create a completely artificial environment for the children. – Too old to understand the thing Brønnick calls the trend a social phenomenon. – It is very interesting, who saw this trend coming? The parents subject the children to a huge experiment. In the Babycare store, Roger Toppen and Gro Kiland Toppen are out with their grandson shopping for toys. They have no doubts about what they like best. – Colors are nice, neutral colors are boring. I think it is important for the children too, says Roger. Roger Toppen and Gro Kiland Toppen are out shopping with their grandson. All three of them think that colorful toys are the best. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news He believes that he and his wife are too old to understand the thing about all the dull colours, but emphasizes that children must have colours. – There are a lot of dull colours, I see that in people’s homes. In the nursery, we have more colors to develop the senses, says Gro, who works in a nursery. Hi! Do you have thoughts about the case you have read, or input on what I should write about? Feel free to send me an email!
