Coffin with Queen Elizabeth on the way to Windsor Castle – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The coffin with Queen Elisabeth is now at Windsor Castle. 250,000 people are at Windsor to follow the procession. A new funeral ceremony will be held in St. George’s chapel at 5 p.m. 800 invited guests will take part in the funeral ceremony. During the last psalm, the crown, royal apple and scepter, which has a doctor on the coffin, are removed. The coffin is then lowered into the royal crypt. Afterwards, the table is set for a private burial with the king and members of the royal family. King visibly moved After two minutes of silence throughout Great Britain, everyone stood up and sang “God Save The King” at the end of the funeral ceremony for Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey. King Charles was clearly moved while the song was being sung. King Charles was clearly moved while the song was sung by the participants in the funeral procession. The song was followed by the coffin being carried through London’s historic center from Westminster Abbey to Wellington Arch near Buckingham Palace. King Charles and others in the royal family walked behind. Along the way, the people have gathered to catch a glimpse of the monarch’s coffin, which they have had for 70 years. On top of the coffin lies the queen’s crown, a bouquet and a handwritten greeting from her eldest son and heir, King Charles. “In loving and faithful memory, Charles R”. “R” stands for rex, which means king. On top of Queen Elizabeth’s coffin lies the Queen’s crown, and a bouquet from King Charles. Photo: HANNAH MCKAY / Reuters At Wellington Arch, the coffin was taken to Windsor. There awaits a new funeral ceremony in St. George’s chapel, before the queen is buried this evening together with her husband Prince Philip. Queen Elizabeth’s funeral hour by hour Photo: VICTORIA JONES / AFP 0900: Doors open for arrivals at Westminster Abbey 11.35: Procession with the coffin from Westminster Hall to Westminster Abbey 12:00: The funeral begins in Westminster Abbey 13:00 : The funeral ends with two minutes’ silence and the national anthem 1315: Procession with the coffin from Westminster Abbey to Wellington Arch 14:00: The coffin arrives at Wellington Arch where it is transferred by car and taken to Windsor 16:06: The coffin arrives in Windsor 16:10 : Procession with the coffin to Windsor Castle 16.53: Procession ahead at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle 17.00: Service in Windsor where the Queen’s coffin is lowered into the chapel’s vault 20.30: Private funeral service which ends with Queen Elizabeth and her husband prince Philip together are buried in King George VI’s mine chapel, where the queen’s mother, father and sister are also buried 2,000 guests The service in Westminster Abbey was held a the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby. He reminded the congregation of the promise Queen Elizabeth made on her 21st birthday, that she would use her whole life to serve the people of the British Commonwealth. – Seldom has a promise been kept to such an extent. Few leaders receive such an outpouring of love as we have seen. King Charles and members of the royal family sing at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth. Prince William and Princess Catherine sing among several members of the royal family. Large crowds watched the funeral on the big screen in Hyde Park. The mood was emotional among spectators around London on Monday. Thousands have turned out in London’s parks and streets to follow the funeral. The funeral started at 12 o’clock Norwegian time, but already at 9 o’clock the first guests arrived. 2,000 people took part in the funeral, and among them were 500 royal doctors, heads of state and government. The Norwegian royal family was there. There were also British Prime Minister Liz Truss, French President Emmanuel Macron and US President Joe Biden together with his wife Jill Biden. Queen Sonja and King Harald come to Queen Elizabeth’s funeral. President Joe Biden arrives at Westminster Abbey. Current Prime Minister Liz Truss. She will also speak at the funeral. French President Emmanuel Macron and wife First Lady Brigitte Macron. The Vice President of China Wang Qishan arrives at the funeral. Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron. Former Prime Minister of Great Britain Boris Johnson with wife Carrie Johnson. Several British prime ministers attend the funeral. Two former prime ministers from the left, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. The plan for Queen Elizabeth’s funeral. Queen Elizabeth’s coffin is carried into Westminster Abbey. Several former prime ministers such as Boris Johnson, Theresa May, David Cameron and Gordon Brown also attended the funeral in Westminster Abbey. During her time as Queen, Elizabeth had 15 Prime Ministers. The royal family arrives at Westminster Abbey in London, England. Large crowds The BBC reckons that around 4 billion will watch the live broadcast of the funeral. 125 cinemas also stayed open to show the big event in Great Britain. A person watches the funeral procession of Queen Elizabeth at The Queen Vic pub in Washington DC. Photo: STEFANI REYNOLDS / AFP Never before have more people been waiting to accompany a funeral. Cafes, restaurants and schools are closed today, and most people have the day off. Large crowds had also gathered along the route where the coffin with Queen Elizabeth was transported from Westminster Hall to Westminster Abbey. news’s ​​reporter Espen Aas at Westminster Abbey says that people have spent the night on the pavement to get this with them. The streets are closed so people have to get there on foot. Large crowds gathered to see the Queen being taken to Westminster Abbey. Photo: Sarah Meyssonnier / AP The security measures are very strict, says Aas. – We who are here at Westminster Abbey will not get anywhere until the last head of state here leaves the area, many hours after the funeral itself is over. It’s all about their safety. 1 million will visit London Several hundred thousand people are expected in central London. Michael Vasilescu (19) from Romania has traveled from Germany to see Elizabeth’s coffin. His grandmother taught him a lot about British kings. Michael Vasilescu (19) has traveled from Germany for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth. Photo: Marius Christensen / news – This is more than a hobby. It is a passion, he says to news on Monday night. He is not the only one who has traveled to London for the big funeral. Rebecca has traveled with her wife and children from Wales. – We traveled here to give the children an experience. This will only happen once, she says. Rebecca has traveled with her wife and children from Wales to attend the funeral. Photo: Marius Christensen / news The transport authorities expect that 1 million people will visit the city today, and several kilometers of barrier fence have been set up in the center of the city to avoid chaos. Over 10,000 police officers are at work, and the security operation will be the biggest in the city ever. In addition to the police officers, around 6,000 military personnel are involved in the carefully planned programme. Large police forces have taken over London on Monday. Photo: Markus Schreiber / AP Several bands have also marched in the streets of London. There are regiments from the British armed forces, in addition to both Irish and Canadian ones, who are there to create a solemn atmosphere. This is according to reporter Kristi Marie Skrede, who is responsible for royal material at news. – You can say that there is a strong military feel to such a state funeral,
