Cobble stone quarrel at Bakklandet in Trondheim – news Trøndelag

The old district of Bakklandet in Trondheim. With old houses, cozy little cafes and bustling folk life. Many call it iconic and is by far one of the city’s most popular tourist destinations. But now several fear Bakklandet may lose its charm. The politicians in the city have decided that they want to replace the rough cobblestones in the streets with smooth and flat cobblestones. It creates a riot. Fear of fast cyclists The association is concerned that smoother surfaces will provide better conditions for cyclists. – Some have a bit too much speed through the area. We are quite sure that they will also want that if there is a flatter cover, says Bjarte Aksnes. He is chairman of the welfare association in Bakklandet and fears for both his soul and his safety. Aksnes says the area is a street garden that should be accessible to everyone. But already today, he believes there are problems with cyclists at full speed. – I know of a measurement made by the police, and then the average speed was 22 kilometers per hour. That means some are way over it too. We are concerned that people pay attention, so it is safe. The case has also previously been discussed by Adresseavisen. This is what the new Bakklandet could look like. Today’s rough cobblestone in the middle has been replaced with flat stone. The walkways on the sides have also been made larger. Photo: Trondheim municipality Football star on the team A signature campaign to preserve the cobblestone has also been carried out, and many well-known personalities have written their names on the list. Among others Ivar Koteng, Øystein Dolmen, Gøran Sørloth and son Alexander Sørloth, who plays for the Spanish football club Real Sociedad. – Brostein is part of beautiful Bakklandet and not least aesthetically very nice, writes Sørloth in an SMS. Father Gøran Sørloth also wants to keep the cobblestone as it is today. – Why on earth should something so beautiful be taken away without an argument that says it is necessary, he asks rhetorically. Football player Alexander Sørloth is one of many who have signed up to a campaign to get the politicians to change the decision. Photo: Hanna Johre / NTB Believes change makes it safer But the municipality has a different opinion. Because the current design is a problem, says mobility and transport manager Inger Mari Eggen. – It is not universally designed, so it is not so accessible to all groups. There are narrow pavements that we cannot operate in the winter, and then it can be difficult for people to get around. Part of the road also has flat slabs, which today are used by both cyclists, people with prams and wheelchair users. – There is already a challenge between different groups. She also does not think there is any reason to believe that the cyclists will increase their speed with flat plates. A small part of Bakklandet has flat sections, and the municipality says this still creates problems between cyclists and many road users. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB scanpix New round for the politicians – We hope to keep the beautiful cobblestone, says actor Øyvind Brandtzæg. He is a member of the charity and has also been involved in the signature campaign. Enough has now been collected to make the politicians in the city council look at the decision again. – We have been following the case for many years and have made suggestions. We have collected three hundred signatures and then the politicians will have to deal with the matter once more. Liberal politician Erling Moe has changed his mind and wants to keep the cobblestone. Photo: Cathrine Dillner Hagen Changed my mind – I am keen to keep the cobblestone, while at the same time wanting a universal design. It can be done in other ways than what is currently planned, says Erling Moe (V). He voted in favor when it was adopted. Now he has changed his mind, and says he will fight for today’s cobblestones. – None of us saw clearly enough what it meant. We did not understand clearly enough that the cobblestone had to be removed, because there were many other measures at Bakklandet that were being dealt with at the same time. It has not been decided when the treatment in the city council will be carried out.
