Clothing store changed the name of sizes to bibs and leaks – news Nordland

Many people can probably recognize themselves in the fact that it can be difficult to relate to the sizes of clothes. – Every time there was talk of sizes, I noticed that people shrank. I did not want it that way and had to do something, says Edel Urstad to news. Since 2000, she has run Edel Design. The company has been operating since 2000, and has, among other things, dressed up Michelle Obama in connection with the Nobel Prize ceremony in 2009. Make people feel good. To date, I have not had a single lady in my store who has been 100 percent happy with herself. There is always something wrong. And one of the moves Urstad has made? Small, medium and large are history. Here you are either Smekker, Midt i blinken, Lekker, Xtra Lekker or XtraXtra Lekker. Want to make a difference for people – People should not feel worse after visiting us. It should be an upswing to come here, she says to news. Taking away the focus on how great you are, but rather focusing on how great you are, is essential to her concept. – In a world that is flooded with clothes, I do not have to deal with clothes. If I have to do it first, it will make a difference, she explains. IN THE MIDDLE OF BLINK: The size medium has been renamed Edel Design. Photo: Edel Design – Did you notice any difference in people after removing small, medium and large? – It was a completely different everyday life at work. It went from people shrinking to smiles, joy and humor. People come bouncing out of the rehearsal room radiant and straight-backed. It gets a lot of fun out of this. Have you felt bad feelings about clothing sizes? Have wanted to cut away the sizes Sonja Iren Johnsen, influencer and body positivist, thinks the grip is a fabulous measure. – I think this can make it easier for people to buy the size they actually fit. I myself have felt that I want to cut out the sizes so that no one will see it. Johnsen further explains that size was often something she was previously ashamed of. – I think many others have also experienced this. It should not be like that, but unfortunately it is like that. The influencer posts weekly videos on TikTok where she tries to influence others and herself to think positively about herself and her own body. Despite the fact that she has come a long way in loving herself, she recognizes well how sizes can be something negative in everyday life. – Sizes have become something negative for very many. A solution like this can make it more fun to shop for clothes, and maybe a little more exciting. Designer Urstad completely agrees that it is important to promote good feelings. Many she meets at work are very critical of themselves. – We are in a world that is often about the fact that the female body in particular is not good enough as it is. It’s either too much or too little of anything – anyway. Or it’s in the wrong place. Unfortunately, many women are guided by this feeling throughout their lives. She adds: – The most important thing is that you feel good in your own body. We want to help people do that. Whether one is shapely or not, both can be both sensual and beautiful. It is a real pleasure to be allowed to help lift a person who has been annoyed with his body for years. The right size is most important Wilde Siem is also a body positivist. Last week she visited Dagsnytt 18 where she discussed body positivism. She thinks it’s good that clothing manufacturers are concerned that customers should be well, but that the most important thing is about the selection. – The biggest challenge is that there is not a large enough selection in large sizes, and that the sizes are often not the real sizes. LONG WAY TO GO: Wilde Siem believes it is difficult for many to accept their own body – and that we must continue to work for acceptance everywhere in society. Photo: @happykropp / Instagram Small steps such as not focusing on how big we are may help someone, but Siem believes we still have a long way to go before it is just as easy for everyone to thrive in their own body. The discussion around this is difficult, and there is often a lot of emotion involved. Siem simplifies: – We must distinguish between body activism and body positivism. The first is about the structures of society. How to be treated differently when you have a body outside the norm. – Body positivism, on the other hand, is about how you relate to your own body and the bodies of those around you. In short, it means accepting yourself and living a full life with respect and love for yourself and others. Body positivists have been interpreted as praising being fat or overweight. Siem points out that it is in no way about that. – It is not the case that we celebrate being fat, even though we exist in a fat body. Had I said that it’s great to be fat and said that people try it out, it would have been something else. But neither I nor other body positivists do. We praise that you feel good about yourself. – We convey that you should be kind to yourself ladle no matter what body you have. In other words, accepting oneself is important. The designer in Edel thinks everyone deserves to feel good about themselves. – If we manage to become a little more grateful and familiar with the body we have been given, we will get incredibly much better. And more fun. We deserve that, Urstad concludes.
