Closed meeting about PST’s threat assessment in the north – news Troms and Finnmark

The county council is gathered in Vadsø this week. On Thursday, the parliament chose on its own initiative to close the meeting while the Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) informed about the threat situation in the north. Very unusual Such a closed meeting at a county council, says political scientist Jonas Stein, is very unusual. – I have not heard of such a closed meeting, but the county council is of course free to let itself be informed. It is natural that it happens in a closed meeting. If the meeting had been open, the information PST could have given would have been limited, according to Stein. – In the Storting, it is common for sensitive information to be given in closed meetings, for example in the defense and foreign affairs committee. The background may be that county operations, agencies or organizations should implement special measures on the basis of the security situation in the north, says Stein.
