Climate Minister Tore O. Sandvik wants Trond Giske on the parliamentary list to gather the team – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Only one of the nine members of the nomination committee wants Trond Giske in the Storting. This was confirmed by nomination manager Roar Aas on Thursday evening. On Friday morning, Tore O. Sandvik threw himself into the debate. – Must play on the same team “Many have asked me what I think about the Labor Party’s nomination for the general election in Sør-Trøndelag. Although the Labor Party is low in the polls, government power and governance of the country with social democratic direction and values ​​is still within reach. But then the Labor Party must win at least three mandates like today in Sør-Trøndelag” writes Tore O. Sandvik in an open Facebook post on Friday morning. “The surest way to mess it up is to be more concerned with yourself, than the everyday life and future of those from whom we ask for trust” “I have known all the candidates involved and mentioned in the nomination battle in the county party well over the years. If we are to win at least three mandates (and fight for the fourth), we must play on the same team.” Wants Hopsø at the top On Thursday, Kirsti Leirtrø withdrew from the nomination process in Sør-Trøndelag. At the same time, she asked Giske to do the same. Sandvik describes her as a role model. “It cannot have been an easy decision, but again she shows team spirit and wisdom,” he writes. Like Leirtrø, Sandvik is asking for renewal, and writes that Per Olav Hopsø should be the top candidate. He is also at the top of the list for the majority in the nomination committee. Pål Sture Nilsen, leader of the Trondheim Labor Party, forms the minority who want Giske in the Storting. “But I also think, like Kirsti, that if we are actually going to assemble the team, Trond should have third place and the nomination meeting should focus on that. Trond should also contribute to that,” writes Sandvik. “Then we still win at least three mandates in the county.” The time county mayor Tore O. Sandvik and culture minister Trond Giske at the Turboneger concert in 2011. Photo: Jørgen Pettersen / news Last word not said Tone Sofie Aglen, political commentator at news, does not think that Giske expected to win the nomination committee. – His aim has probably been to win the nomination meeting itself by getting just enough delegates to be elected, she says. – Then he probably got a taste of his own method yesterday, when Kirsti Leirtrø surprised the nomination committee by withdrawing and pointing out that Giske had to do it too. – Why did Leirtrø withdraw? – She has probably been under a lot of pressure, and she has been an important piece for being a woman from a district. It is often these kinds of considerations that have to be taken into account, which meant that those who wanted to have Giske at the top had a problem there. – It was probably also important for her to point out Giske – that he is responsible for the noise. In any case, she believed that he should not be in one of the first two places. Tone Sofie Aglen believes that the proposal for Sandvik can be a proposal that everyone can rally behind. Photo: Jon Petrusson / news The proposal to Sandvik, to have Giske in third place, could be a solution everyone can rally behind, Aglen believes. But what place Giske gets on the list, she thinks may be about vanity. – With a third place, he will at least avoid the fact that people do not want to stand in the election campaign or that it could be too divisive, but we know that there is a great deal of disagreement. The last word has not been said there. – I don’t think the big political difference in who you elect to the Storting has all the world’s importance, but I think this has a very big impact on the working environment in the Storting, the balance of power and not least the role Giske can play in the party for better or for worse. Undecided Although Trøndelag is one county, it consists of two electoral districts each with their own nomination lists: One from North Trøndelag and one from South Trøndelag. Both nomination committees present their lists to the municipal parties on Friday. The final decision will be made on 30 November. Published 13.09.2024, at 09.05
